It rained. Was raining when I got up, when I went out, when I was at papa's office and when I went home and now.
The morning was nice. There was no one home, the house was quiet, and it was raining, can you think of anything else better? really.
Left the house and met ethel and erika and we wandered wisma. Not really, seeing as we are stuck at the fsh aquarium there for 10 mins to decide where we were gonna eat.
It was hard, okay!
We ended up at the taka food court...where a certain lil' boy just couldn't shove a dumpling in his mouth and clear off with his mum. He did. After a LONG time contemplating as to whether shoving it into his mouth was possible. Was a nice lunch...although I think erika and I killed off a bit of ethel's appetite with the talk about hugging candy with saliva and stuff.
Started to head to the mrt, cos erika had to...or she wanted to leave at 12.30pm. which didn't happen...she kept wandering off. Into stores without me and ethel knowing. Was seriously like taking a five year old kid out for a walk without holding her hand (no offence erika if you're reading...)
Got to the mrt station and detoured to the CD store for a while. Mars...Zhan Shen...$59.90. Now even if I loved that so much, I don't have the heart to hand the damn cashier $60.00 and get 10 cents in return for my purchase. I'll just have to wait for the toot mediacorp people to air it.
Papa's office...unbearable...guin. She was restless. Is there anything else I need to say?
Had dinner, watched TV. Did you know that despite the on-going 55 hour movie marathon...there is nothing nice actually wirth watching to me? How is that possible? With the exception of Ocean's ll. This is so bad.
Home is behind
The world ahead.
And there are many paths to tread.
Through shadow,
To the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight
Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall...fade.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
School starts in 3 days...there is stil the problem of econs or C math
If I go with Math...I have only one choice, most likely medicine...if I go with econs...I can go for business or medicine. But then again, who knows whether I have a business-oriented mind...cos I don't how should you know? Nvrm...
I want a bathroom scale, I have a wish to be me weight conscious...anorexic...whatever synonyms you can come up with...cos, cos I wanna a bathroom scale.
I don't know if I should join dance...there's still fencing and canoing. If i join canoing, I'll most probably be able to have nice arms in the process...and as well as a tan. Fencing is fascinating...not FASCINATING...but fascinating (did that make sense?). Dance is just dance...what's not to like! We'll see...
Working is good...keeps you busy, keeps your mind busy...I like that. I'm typing a lot faster than usual. My brain can't even keep up with what I am typing at this time.
Rain, rain, I brought my brolly to work yesterday...but it didn't even rain...not even a drop. Today, I didn't bring it and it rains, me weird, but I just wanted to USE it, you know what I mean? No?
Rightsss...the pepsi commercial...the one shown recently...the one with vaness wu and tata young. Has anyone seen it? I've only seen the incomplete one. It was supposed to continue on Christmas day...and I haven't even seen it yet. perhaps it's because I hardly watch channel 5 anymore...seeing as I have been working and when i come home, there ain't any nice shows really worth watching...where is it? Did they even show it? so it's my problem??!?!?!
I have finally cut my hair...went in to JB with the whole family and my aunts and my kor. I like it...wanna see it? wait you can''s short and I like it that way.
Somehow I feel damn hyped up'd you tell?
If I go with Math...I have only one choice, most likely medicine...if I go with econs...I can go for business or medicine. But then again, who knows whether I have a business-oriented mind...cos I don't how should you know? Nvrm...
I want a bathroom scale, I have a wish to be me weight conscious...anorexic...whatever synonyms you can come up with...cos, cos I wanna a bathroom scale.
I don't know if I should join dance...there's still fencing and canoing. If i join canoing, I'll most probably be able to have nice arms in the process...and as well as a tan. Fencing is fascinating...not FASCINATING...but fascinating (did that make sense?). Dance is just dance...what's not to like! We'll see...
Working is good...keeps you busy, keeps your mind busy...I like that. I'm typing a lot faster than usual. My brain can't even keep up with what I am typing at this time.
Rain, rain, I brought my brolly to work yesterday...but it didn't even rain...not even a drop. Today, I didn't bring it and it rains, me weird, but I just wanted to USE it, you know what I mean? No?
Rightsss...the pepsi commercial...the one shown recently...the one with vaness wu and tata young. Has anyone seen it? I've only seen the incomplete one. It was supposed to continue on Christmas day...and I haven't even seen it yet. perhaps it's because I hardly watch channel 5 anymore...seeing as I have been working and when i come home, there ain't any nice shows really worth watching...where is it? Did they even show it? so it's my problem??!?!?!
I have finally cut my hair...went in to JB with the whole family and my aunts and my kor. I like it...wanna see it? wait you can''s short and I like it that way.
Somehow I feel damn hyped up'd you tell?
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Wednesday...the POSB back wasn't open. And as long as I go to work...I will never be able to open my account let alone get my ATM card. Nvrm...
Anyway, I have found a pattern regarding my moods during work. When I get up in the morning, it's such a damn tired blahblah..and feel irritated. Then get to all me stuff and constantly count the hours or minutes...whichever I feel like counting at the time...and I just hate doing anything except typing.
This goes on all the way till lunch...then durin lunch, I constantly wish we'd extend till 1.30pm.
Then we get back to the office and then I start all over in the cycle starts once again.
The strange thing is one we get to like 3.30pm...or plusplus...I suddenly get into the work or whatever crap they give me to do and time passes damn that bore you? Then again...I don't really care if you did.
Went to the Jurong Library and the most annoying thing is right now...there's nothing to read. It's like everybody decided to come in and borrow books because the end of the years is a coming. It's like all the books flew off the shelves or something...and so I come back empty handed.
I'm hard up on books.
Anyway, I have found a pattern regarding my moods during work. When I get up in the morning, it's such a damn tired blahblah..and feel irritated. Then get to all me stuff and constantly count the hours or minutes...whichever I feel like counting at the time...and I just hate doing anything except typing.
This goes on all the way till lunch...then durin lunch, I constantly wish we'd extend till 1.30pm.
Then we get back to the office and then I start all over in the cycle starts once again.
The strange thing is one we get to like 3.30pm...or plusplus...I suddenly get into the work or whatever crap they give me to do and time passes damn that bore you? Then again...I don't really care if you did.
Went to the Jurong Library and the most annoying thing is right now...there's nothing to read. It's like everybody decided to come in and borrow books because the end of the years is a coming. It's like all the books flew off the shelves or something...and so I come back empty handed.
I'm hard up on books.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
all Friday
its Time to party
Let me see you swing and sway
Tell me are you with me?
Are you with me
HELLO! Merry chirstmas to you too. Woke up at 9am despite having stayed up until 3am yesterday reading my book. Yes, call me a freak if you wish, blame the tooopid bodyclock.
Went downstairs for breakfast, hung up the clothes to dry and then got down to watch 'you got served'. It's got some good shit! I like...haha.
Was interuptted and then got uprooted to papa's office. Was there until 4pm, came home...finished watching 'you got served'. The big bounce was something I tell you. Adrenaline pumping and the dance moves were just WOW!! You have gotta watch it!! Went to hang with my kor for a while after that. I swear he's's gone...and then you add guin...and it's just a weird sight. A 24 year old with a 14 year old...OMG...the crap that happens and he's SEWING!! I don't mean to be sexist or anything...but WOW! The things having a gf make you do...haha! I mean...okay I'll shut up.
Watched my cheena show at 9, had dinner, washed up and now I am here. Christmas will be here in 1 and a half hours time...and the moment I have been waiting for will be here in 13 and a half hours and will be over in 2 and a half hours. It's times like this I love life...and there's actually something good to look forward to and it's not some fancy-all-up-in-your-face's just something simple =).
The worst thing is...I don't feel too good...feel sick and stuff. Dunno where I caught it from...was just foolin' around in the room with my kor and then felt really tired...eyes felt really tired and then started sneezing and stuff. Mummy got pissed when I told her i was sick...WTH! Anyway...she was in her as usual pissed off mood mopping the house and I was luck enough to be in the way, so she got pissed at me and I'm now pissed at her. Just don't wanna talk to her. She's always like this and I always happen to be there when she's pissed...I don't deserve this shit. I always just keep quiet when she's pissed, cause I don't wanna make things worst...but I have a limit and I don't wanna blow in her face or anyone else's for that matter.
Please let service tomorrow end at 11.30! Please...I know that's beeing a little demanding...but this is the only thing i look forward to every please let it be!
its Time to party
Let me see you swing and sway
Tell me are you with me?
Are you with me
HELLO! Merry chirstmas to you too. Woke up at 9am despite having stayed up until 3am yesterday reading my book. Yes, call me a freak if you wish, blame the tooopid bodyclock.
Went downstairs for breakfast, hung up the clothes to dry and then got down to watch 'you got served'. It's got some good shit! I like...haha.
Was interuptted and then got uprooted to papa's office. Was there until 4pm, came home...finished watching 'you got served'. The big bounce was something I tell you. Adrenaline pumping and the dance moves were just WOW!! You have gotta watch it!! Went to hang with my kor for a while after that. I swear he's's gone...and then you add guin...and it's just a weird sight. A 24 year old with a 14 year old...OMG...the crap that happens and he's SEWING!! I don't mean to be sexist or anything...but WOW! The things having a gf make you do...haha! I mean...okay I'll shut up.
Watched my cheena show at 9, had dinner, washed up and now I am here. Christmas will be here in 1 and a half hours time...and the moment I have been waiting for will be here in 13 and a half hours and will be over in 2 and a half hours. It's times like this I love life...and there's actually something good to look forward to and it's not some fancy-all-up-in-your-face's just something simple =).
The worst thing is...I don't feel too good...feel sick and stuff. Dunno where I caught it from...was just foolin' around in the room with my kor and then felt really tired...eyes felt really tired and then started sneezing and stuff. Mummy got pissed when I told her i was sick...WTH! Anyway...she was in her as usual pissed off mood mopping the house and I was luck enough to be in the way, so she got pissed at me and I'm now pissed at her. Just don't wanna talk to her. She's always like this and I always happen to be there when she's pissed...I don't deserve this shit. I always just keep quiet when she's pissed, cause I don't wanna make things worst...but I have a limit and I don't wanna blow in her face or anyone else's for that matter.
Please let service tomorrow end at 11.30! Please...I know that's beeing a little demanding...but this is the only thing i look forward to every please let it be!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
It's Thursday..I don't have to go to work anymore for this whole week...wheee!!! Had a nice time my paycheck. I wanted to cash it, BUT the POSB bank was closed...damn bank...just when I wanted to feel rich.
Work was usual the usual talk about my mummy and how shrewd and capable she is, phone calling and dealing with incompetent receptionists on the phone. Plus people that can't speak PROPER english. example, i say whatever I need to say, then the other party goes "HAALLO! WHAT YOU WANT?! SOLLY, I DON KNOW!" or "WE DON NEED!" WTF!! who the HELL employs receptionists like THAT!! I sure wouldn't...with the image of my company at stake with people like that. Another are the ones who speak damn softly like if they were to open their mouth, frikkin gold would drop out or smthg. Anyway, I just love to do only one thing that is considered work...which is typing. I mean so what if my fingers feel like their on the verge of frostbite from the air-conditioning, I LOVE IT!!
My kors and aunts are a coming down sometime late tonight. Haven't seen my kors for this should be interesting. Guin's going to get my I'ma gonna watch dancing all night long...not before I watch me nine o' clock cheena show tonight. After going for work these 3 weeks...I start to appreciate room temperature even more. One more week to go...and then I'll have to go to school...we'll see...hope I see Janice there. Then would feel better...haha...JANICE YOU BETTER BE THERE!!
My Life Plan! (as of now)
- to be as successful as DMS mother, except as a is fine if I move into that area
- to own 3 houses; live in one and rent out the other 2, to ensure that I am always making money =)
- To own a house on Newport Beach
- To have a 5 figure salary before I reach 35 years
- To own a Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe or Porache Boxster Convertible or a Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet
- I shall own a BMW, then move onto a Mercedes and progress onto a porsche
Work was usual the usual talk about my mummy and how shrewd and capable she is, phone calling and dealing with incompetent receptionists on the phone. Plus people that can't speak PROPER english. example, i say whatever I need to say, then the other party goes "HAALLO! WHAT YOU WANT?! SOLLY, I DON KNOW!" or "WE DON NEED!" WTF!! who the HELL employs receptionists like THAT!! I sure wouldn't...with the image of my company at stake with people like that. Another are the ones who speak damn softly like if they were to open their mouth, frikkin gold would drop out or smthg. Anyway, I just love to do only one thing that is considered work...which is typing. I mean so what if my fingers feel like their on the verge of frostbite from the air-conditioning, I LOVE IT!!
My kors and aunts are a coming down sometime late tonight. Haven't seen my kors for this should be interesting. Guin's going to get my I'ma gonna watch dancing all night long...not before I watch me nine o' clock cheena show tonight. After going for work these 3 weeks...I start to appreciate room temperature even more. One more week to go...and then I'll have to go to school...we'll see...hope I see Janice there. Then would feel better...haha...JANICE YOU BETTER BE THERE!!
My Life Plan! (as of now)
- to be as successful as DMS mother, except as a is fine if I move into that area
- to own 3 houses; live in one and rent out the other 2, to ensure that I am always making money =)
- To own a house on Newport Beach
- To have a 5 figure salary before I reach 35 years
- To own a Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe or Porache Boxster Convertible or a Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet
- I shall own a BMW, then move onto a Mercedes and progress onto a porsche
Monday, December 20, 2004
Sitting there while I observe,
I like your lines I love your curves,
Checking out your bodywork,
How can I get with her,
You're the one that I want,
Do anything to turn you on,
Somebody please just pass the keys
So you can take a ride with me
Monday again...5 days to christmas. Slept in...until 8.30am. Woke up...had cereal and then used the comp. Daddy left for the office and my sis went to school.
Hung up the clothes to dry and folded the clothes in the basket, then papa picked me and we went to his office. Read my book there and watched some VCDs...and my dad in his little pissed off mood.
My sis came at 1.45pm and that ass was supposed to be there at 12nn. Hung together for awhile...watched VCDs and then papa and I headed home to pick guin and we were off to the wose place ever to be in my life right now...the malaysian immigration.
Got there at a number -_-...sat...and served at 4pm and finally got all the crap done and got me passport. Headed to the ICA to do my re-entry permit (prolonging my PR status) was done in 30 mins...check out the difference with the malaysian one man.
Get this. malaysian immigration...5 counters do visa...2 counters do PASSPORT. WTH!! I mean like hell the whole world needs to do visa you know...and like the 2 times I went there...there weren't even PEOPLE behind those 5 counters...and like ober a hundred people queueing for the passport counter. Like where is the logic?!?!
At least there are more then 5 counters doing passport or various operations in the Singapore immigration...and they have more people employed there and things get done faster...and the people there actually LOOK like they don't mind their job. I mean I think the m'sian immigration peeps hate their job, I mean I would if I had to be stuck behind a glass piece in a huge box and deal with somewhat incompetent people day in day out. But hey ACT like you love stamping and looking at all the ugly faces in the world. Sorry...just blowing off steam.
Came home...swept the car porch, bathed, squeezed lime juice, ironed all my clothes and finished folding the clothes from the basket. Cooked rice and all the cai(dishes), and now I am here. All that in chronological order...haha and I have just gotten yet another hit for wallpaper...I shall go make it later. Just need more pictures. I totally stopped this for the exams and I have lost a lot of touch with nice brushes too, my adobe photoshop is absolutely barren or something, so everything looks pathetic but somewhat pleasing. Did that sound right...somehow it didn't.
Tomorrow gotta get to work and then Thursday my aunts are coming down for christmas...not forgetting my cousins whom I haven't seen for a few months...I'm quite sure it's months. I NEED to go borrow stuff from video ezy...I wanna go...I wanna watch stuff...dancing stuff. Saturday...lai wo jia make me happy =)
I like your lines I love your curves,
Checking out your bodywork,
How can I get with her,
You're the one that I want,
Do anything to turn you on,
Somebody please just pass the keys
So you can take a ride with me
Monday again...5 days to christmas. Slept in...until 8.30am. Woke up...had cereal and then used the comp. Daddy left for the office and my sis went to school.
Hung up the clothes to dry and folded the clothes in the basket, then papa picked me and we went to his office. Read my book there and watched some VCDs...and my dad in his little pissed off mood.
My sis came at 1.45pm and that ass was supposed to be there at 12nn. Hung together for awhile...watched VCDs and then papa and I headed home to pick guin and we were off to the wose place ever to be in my life right now...the malaysian immigration.
Got there at a number -_-...sat...and served at 4pm and finally got all the crap done and got me passport. Headed to the ICA to do my re-entry permit (prolonging my PR status) was done in 30 mins...check out the difference with the malaysian one man.
Get this. malaysian immigration...5 counters do visa...2 counters do PASSPORT. WTH!! I mean like hell the whole world needs to do visa you know...and like the 2 times I went there...there weren't even PEOPLE behind those 5 counters...and like ober a hundred people queueing for the passport counter. Like where is the logic?!?!
At least there are more then 5 counters doing passport or various operations in the Singapore immigration...and they have more people employed there and things get done faster...and the people there actually LOOK like they don't mind their job. I mean I think the m'sian immigration peeps hate their job, I mean I would if I had to be stuck behind a glass piece in a huge box and deal with somewhat incompetent people day in day out. But hey ACT like you love stamping and looking at all the ugly faces in the world. Sorry...just blowing off steam.
Came home...swept the car porch, bathed, squeezed lime juice, ironed all my clothes and finished folding the clothes from the basket. Cooked rice and all the cai(dishes), and now I am here. All that in chronological order...haha and I have just gotten yet another hit for wallpaper...I shall go make it later. Just need more pictures. I totally stopped this for the exams and I have lost a lot of touch with nice brushes too, my adobe photoshop is absolutely barren or something, so everything looks pathetic but somewhat pleasing. Did that sound right...somehow it didn't.
Tomorrow gotta get to work and then Thursday my aunts are coming down for christmas...not forgetting my cousins whom I haven't seen for a few months...I'm quite sure it's months. I NEED to go borrow stuff from video ezy...I wanna go...I wanna watch stuff...dancing stuff. Saturday...lai wo jia make me happy =)
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Slow day...I haven't sent out my Christmas cards stuff yet. I keep receiving cards...but I always seem to forget to do mine and send them out.
Anyway...woke up, mummy was in her as usual pissed off mood while cleaning the house up. She always gets like that, so I just leave her be. She went out later and I watched TV. Watched 'come to my place' and then had lunch, then went to papa's office. Rained along the way...and I just forgot to bring the damn brolly out so I was a lil' soaked.
Met mummy at papa's office and we watched VCD together. Was fine...then she went shopping and then came back...watched more then went home. Bathed, helped keep the shopping and then ate dinner and now I am here.
I tell you this stupid leg cramp is damn bad. Bad this time. As usual happened in bed while I was stretching. Was a damn ba way of waking me up at 4.30am in the morning 2, 3 days ago. The after effects are still there, as in still feel the muscle is do you say it...tensed? Anyway...hasn't happened in a while and longest it's lasted for...usually goes away after a day. anyway...hmm...time passing so fast...this month's almost ending. Meaning holiday's ending, not good...I just started settling down. Rather comfortable like this...although if this goes on any longer I will be as heavy as...I average guy? BLEAH!! My mind needs to think and I dunno challenge itself...basically keep itself busy, so I won't keep on feeling like eating.
Anyway...woke up, mummy was in her as usual pissed off mood while cleaning the house up. She always gets like that, so I just leave her be. She went out later and I watched TV. Watched 'come to my place' and then had lunch, then went to papa's office. Rained along the way...and I just forgot to bring the damn brolly out so I was a lil' soaked.
Met mummy at papa's office and we watched VCD together. Was fine...then she went shopping and then came back...watched more then went home. Bathed, helped keep the shopping and then ate dinner and now I am here.
I tell you this stupid leg cramp is damn bad. Bad this time. As usual happened in bed while I was stretching. Was a damn ba way of waking me up at 4.30am in the morning 2, 3 days ago. The after effects are still there, as in still feel the muscle is do you say it...tensed? Anyway...hasn't happened in a while and longest it's lasted for...usually goes away after a day. anyway...hmm...time passing so fast...this month's almost ending. Meaning holiday's ending, not good...I just started settling down. Rather comfortable like this...although if this goes on any longer I will be as heavy as...I average guy? BLEAH!! My mind needs to think and I dunno challenge itself...basically keep itself busy, so I won't keep on feeling like eating.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
It don't matter to me
We can dance slow
Whichever way the beat drop
Our bodies will go
So swing it over here, Mr. DJ
And we will, we will rock you
Now it's thursday...I'm just waiting for saturday.
Anyway...woke dressed and left with mummy to head to service the car. Some toyota place...had to use the roadmap in the car to help her find her way around.
So we reached the place...and guess what was next to the serveice centre? A FREAKIN' PORSCHE SHOWROOM...OMG...the cars...SWEET! I about sexy and all they do is just sit behind those glass windows. That's it man...I'ma going to go service the car with my 'rents.
Went off for box. Had porridge cooked there...was good. I liked the vegetarian duck and thew chicken...veggie, fishcake. now that was practically my whole lunch. Knocked off...walked through THE popular bookstore...mrt...bus interchange..156...and now I am home.
Mummy's coming to pick me up and we gonna go cold
We can dance slow
Whichever way the beat drop
Our bodies will go
So swing it over here, Mr. DJ
And we will, we will rock you
Now it's thursday...I'm just waiting for saturday.
Anyway...woke dressed and left with mummy to head to service the car. Some toyota place...had to use the roadmap in the car to help her find her way around.
So we reached the place...and guess what was next to the serveice centre? A FREAKIN' PORSCHE SHOWROOM...OMG...the cars...SWEET! I about sexy and all they do is just sit behind those glass windows. That's it man...I'ma going to go service the car with my 'rents.
Went off for box. Had porridge cooked there...was good. I liked the vegetarian duck and thew chicken...veggie, fishcake. now that was practically my whole lunch. Knocked off...walked through THE popular bookstore...mrt...bus interchange..156...and now I am home.
Mummy's coming to pick me up and we gonna go cold
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I DID IT!!! YES!! Okay...I'll stop...if your browser takes too long to load the video, that's your problem. Okay...I'll stop...yes. STOP!!!It's finally in my hands mwhahaa!!! Now I wanna watch the whole series. um...nvrm.
Yesterday...whiiiich was Monday. woke up...went to papa's office...did some reading, listened to music...watched sa ve the last dance and then papa brought me home.
Bathed, dressed and to city hall I went. Met erika and the 2LW there and went to 'cafe cartelle' to have dinner. had mac with mushroom and chicken and then some dessert. Not forgetting how it burnt a hole in my pocket.
Walked around a bit...talked a bit...and then went in for 'sleeping beauty' Damn shocker that we were so close...but it was good in a way...good view of everyrthing. Was a damn good ballet, fabulous....although I felt it had too many intermissions, but it was a masterpiece. Saw some familiar people in the ast...Jenna, natasha quek, ginny gan. Met jeanette in the gallery too and cuilian when coming back from the toilet. Was a good evening spent.
Came home looked at stars with my sis...for the first time, saw cancer and what I think was the big dipper and as usual orion was there. Bathed, blow dried my hair and then Io crashed.
Today, woke work...talked with mummy in the car. Got dropped off and started to work.
Today passed well. I just pretty much did the usual. Look up numbers...editted resumes, printed stuff, filed stuff, took out stuff. I like it this way. Although the bloody building should do something about the damn air-conditioner.
It's like a damn ice-box...the toilet is like the best - hand dryer. Hands down...I kow-tow to that piece of machinery during 8 hour stint there. Knocked off...the book in popular made my day...and bus interchange...and home. Bathed and surfed around.
Got inspiration for new wallpaper. Gathered pics...although I'm missing one. A top shot of sheng standing at the rooftop of the building. People have bad 'mars' screeencaps. They get all the rubbish ones. Where Vic looks the same, which is just um...hmmm...cute, handsome or sexy whatever they call it, just that he's wearing different clothes. I don't blame them...but WHERE are the SINGNIFICANT ones?!?! Prepubescent teens...I didn't mean that...wait...bah!
I swear I am an adrenaline junkie...I like doing stuff, sensibly, that endanger my life (did you get that?). Just makes me feel damn good, but then mum would kill me.
Yesterday...whiiiich was Monday. woke up...went to papa's office...did some reading, listened to music...watched sa ve the last dance and then papa brought me home.
Bathed, dressed and to city hall I went. Met erika and the 2LW there and went to 'cafe cartelle' to have dinner. had mac with mushroom and chicken and then some dessert. Not forgetting how it burnt a hole in my pocket.
Walked around a bit...talked a bit...and then went in for 'sleeping beauty' Damn shocker that we were so close...but it was good in a way...good view of everyrthing. Was a damn good ballet, fabulous....although I felt it had too many intermissions, but it was a masterpiece. Saw some familiar people in the ast...Jenna, natasha quek, ginny gan. Met jeanette in the gallery too and cuilian when coming back from the toilet. Was a good evening spent.
Came home looked at stars with my sis...for the first time, saw cancer and what I think was the big dipper and as usual orion was there. Bathed, blow dried my hair and then Io crashed.
Today, woke work...talked with mummy in the car. Got dropped off and started to work.
Today passed well. I just pretty much did the usual. Look up numbers...editted resumes, printed stuff, filed stuff, took out stuff. I like it this way. Although the bloody building should do something about the damn air-conditioner.
It's like a damn ice-box...the toilet is like the best - hand dryer. Hands down...I kow-tow to that piece of machinery during 8 hour stint there. Knocked off...the book in popular made my day...and bus interchange...and home. Bathed and surfed around.
Got inspiration for new wallpaper. Gathered pics...although I'm missing one. A top shot of sheng standing at the rooftop of the building. People have bad 'mars' screeencaps. They get all the rubbish ones. Where Vic looks the same, which is just um...hmmm...cute, handsome or sexy whatever they call it, just that he's wearing different clothes. I don't blame them...but WHERE are the SINGNIFICANT ones?!?! Prepubescent teens...I didn't mean that...wait...bah!
I swear I am an adrenaline junkie...I like doing stuff, sensibly, that endanger my life (did you get that?). Just makes me feel damn good, but then mum would kill me.
Friday, December 10, 2004
watching you come my way
my eyes look away
I don't know where to put my hands and feet
I can't introduce myself
how can I make this less awkward
how can I make this less unexpected
why am I always such a failure
the me you see is always dazed
The day didn't start of very well...I can say the blame all goes to the bloody malaysian immigration.
Got up at 7 to go there early...took my passport photo, and daddy photocopied some stuff...reached the place at 8am (which by the way is the time the place it opens) and the first impression of the place was not good. I swear the lady we met at the first counter hates her job. She was probably super irritated at whatever had happened in the past few minutes the place had opened. The number being served was 1024...and we were 1093 and 1094. The stupid place was packed with so many people already and there were only 2 stupid counters opened when there were 5 or 6 with no one in them. How ineffective was that. Daddy went to eat breakfast and came back and only 10 numbers had passed. I was super pissed...any sensible person would be! I was trying to keep my mind off the ineffective running of the place and to kill time. I was also supposed to meet erika at 9. Of course in the end I couldn't due to the helluva snail-paced moving queue there. number finally came. 3 hours and 30 mins of the HELL they know people can accomplish a helluva a lot in 3 hours and 30 mins...I could have been this case ethel's house! Damn them.
Went home...took 156...counted bus stops, and loss count in between..and counted more. Reached there...hitched a ride from erika and to ethel's house we went. Got there, met nicm and perry there =) and watched erika try to fry vegetables and we started lunch. We had mushroom soup, lasagne, shepherd's pie and veggies with carrots, french beans and for dessert caramel pudding and tiramisu...lovely tiramisu..I swear it was heavenly. Not forgetting nicm's alcohol addiction which I recently came to know of. Then went to watch Sleepy Hollow which freaked out ethel...what with the constant lopping off of heads and headless bodies and as well as gross dealings in the movie.
Left, went home and off to daddy's office I went, treated myself to some 'rum and rasin' choc. Just listened to music...watched a couple of VCDs and surfed the internet... and came home at 9+. Bathed and called perry...talked...and then had a late dinner once again and now I am here. I wonder how I managed to eat dinner...seeing as lunch was extremely filling, but if I didn't...mummy would probably grumble or smthg and wanna avoid that. My big sis was once again in her 'the-whole-world-is-irritating-and-I-hate-the-world' moods...which has been happeneing a lot recently and has been getting on her nerves. I'm just waiting for the day mummy reaches the limit and slaps the daylights outta her. Mean, I know, but the bloody bitch has no respect at all...not that I have all the respect in the world, but at least I don't snap at my mother EVERYDAY...cos I feel like it. Okay. Shut up now gen...feeling sleepy, daddy needs the computer. nite.
my eyes look away
I don't know where to put my hands and feet
I can't introduce myself
how can I make this less awkward
how can I make this less unexpected
why am I always such a failure
the me you see is always dazed
The day didn't start of very well...I can say the blame all goes to the bloody malaysian immigration.
Got up at 7 to go there early...took my passport photo, and daddy photocopied some stuff...reached the place at 8am (which by the way is the time the place it opens) and the first impression of the place was not good. I swear the lady we met at the first counter hates her job. She was probably super irritated at whatever had happened in the past few minutes the place had opened. The number being served was 1024...and we were 1093 and 1094. The stupid place was packed with so many people already and there were only 2 stupid counters opened when there were 5 or 6 with no one in them. How ineffective was that. Daddy went to eat breakfast and came back and only 10 numbers had passed. I was super pissed...any sensible person would be! I was trying to keep my mind off the ineffective running of the place and to kill time. I was also supposed to meet erika at 9. Of course in the end I couldn't due to the helluva snail-paced moving queue there. number finally came. 3 hours and 30 mins of the HELL they know people can accomplish a helluva a lot in 3 hours and 30 mins...I could have been this case ethel's house! Damn them.
Went home...took 156...counted bus stops, and loss count in between..and counted more. Reached there...hitched a ride from erika and to ethel's house we went. Got there, met nicm and perry there =) and watched erika try to fry vegetables and we started lunch. We had mushroom soup, lasagne, shepherd's pie and veggies with carrots, french beans and for dessert caramel pudding and tiramisu...lovely tiramisu..I swear it was heavenly. Not forgetting nicm's alcohol addiction which I recently came to know of. Then went to watch Sleepy Hollow which freaked out ethel...what with the constant lopping off of heads and headless bodies and as well as gross dealings in the movie.
Left, went home and off to daddy's office I went, treated myself to some 'rum and rasin' choc. Just listened to music...watched a couple of VCDs and surfed the internet... and came home at 9+. Bathed and called perry...talked...and then had a late dinner once again and now I am here. I wonder how I managed to eat dinner...seeing as lunch was extremely filling, but if I didn't...mummy would probably grumble or smthg and wanna avoid that. My big sis was once again in her 'the-whole-world-is-irritating-and-I-hate-the-world' moods...which has been happeneing a lot recently and has been getting on her nerves. I'm just waiting for the day mummy reaches the limit and slaps the daylights outta her. Mean, I know, but the bloody bitch has no respect at all...not that I have all the respect in the world, but at least I don't snap at my mother EVERYDAY...cos I feel like it. Okay. Shut up now gen...feeling sleepy, daddy needs the computer. nite.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Holding your hand to experience
The most enchanting season of fireworks
Illuminating happiness for a second
Allowing us to see even farther
The fireworks's most enchanting season
Brightening everything in your life
Relaeasing our joy
On each day that I love you
Been real happy these pass few days. Although it's raining now...but I like it. Peaceful, now all I need is the beach...haha. I just want this to last forever.
Woke up this morning...and then off we went to Raffle's City to go for sis's journalism talk thingamajig. Thought it was 2 1/2 hours...but it was a half hour talk and 1 hour of refreshments. Before that me and my sis were outside the convention room...looking at people...noit looking as in LOOKING...but looking, like a bunch of airhead bitches...haha. Then we discussed whether cars had sex appeal...I insisted that they did but my sis said no..was damn irritating, saying cars can be sexy but not sex appeal...WTH. They had lots of stuff to eat too. Funny thing is, I was damn hungry at first...I ate like 3 pieces of sandwiches and I was already starting to feel full. Ate some really RICH choc ice-cream, salad, some dimsum and a glass of water and I was full. I get hungry easil as well as full easily...not good for buffet meals.
Went off to walk around Raffle's City. 1st stop OP, went in there...saw some nice skirts. Both decided to try them on. The changing rooms were across each we went in and tried on the skirts and then came out and then looked at each other...and we did it again and 3 times. Was extremely spaz, but fun...and HELL the skirts were nice but almost worth my one day's worth of no.
2nd stop espirit, got nice stuff. But...but all the stuff I saw that was nice...S$60+++++++...not good for the pockets. Took the train back to clementi with my sis and then she went to the U while I headed home.
Came home bathed...sat down to watch a little TV...listen to chinese music ate lunch which was fried rice...courtesy of sam yee and dai yee and now I am here...going to start work again tomorrow...but I must post these pics..some damn nice cars o_o I so want one of
these...of course their from porshe =)

2004 Porsche Boxster Convertible

2005 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet
The most enchanting season of fireworks
Illuminating happiness for a second
Allowing us to see even farther
The fireworks's most enchanting season
Brightening everything in your life
Relaeasing our joy
On each day that I love you
Been real happy these pass few days. Although it's raining now...but I like it. Peaceful, now all I need is the beach...haha. I just want this to last forever.
Woke up this morning...and then off we went to Raffle's City to go for sis's journalism talk thingamajig. Thought it was 2 1/2 hours...but it was a half hour talk and 1 hour of refreshments. Before that me and my sis were outside the convention room...looking at people...noit looking as in LOOKING...but looking, like a bunch of airhead bitches...haha. Then we discussed whether cars had sex appeal...I insisted that they did but my sis said no..was damn irritating, saying cars can be sexy but not sex appeal...WTH. They had lots of stuff to eat too. Funny thing is, I was damn hungry at first...I ate like 3 pieces of sandwiches and I was already starting to feel full. Ate some really RICH choc ice-cream, salad, some dimsum and a glass of water and I was full. I get hungry easil as well as full easily...not good for buffet meals.
Went off to walk around Raffle's City. 1st stop OP, went in there...saw some nice skirts. Both decided to try them on. The changing rooms were across each we went in and tried on the skirts and then came out and then looked at each other...and we did it again and 3 times. Was extremely spaz, but fun...and HELL the skirts were nice but almost worth my one day's worth of no.
2nd stop espirit, got nice stuff. But...but all the stuff I saw that was nice...S$60+++++++...not good for the pockets. Took the train back to clementi with my sis and then she went to the U while I headed home.
Came home bathed...sat down to watch a little TV...listen to chinese music ate lunch which was fried rice...courtesy of sam yee and dai yee and now I am here...going to start work again tomorrow...but I must post these pics..some damn nice cars o_o I so want one of
these...of course their from porshe =)

2004 Porsche Boxster Convertible

2005 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Thank you to love
For slowly bringing you and I together
Everything that has happened
Each page in this photo album
is a happy you and me
Loving you everyday
In this whole world no one can replace you
Having known you for so long
I am still very much in love with you
I basically freezed my ass off today in the office. 1st day of work. Not anything fun, not anything boring. I just have to say it was really quiet...I mean when there's no one around. Then when someone talks, it's like shattering glass or smthg...I swear. Then when you're making phone calls to people...they talk to each other across the room like it's nobody's business...the office isn't big, kinda small actually, so when they talk...the TALK. Was fine though I was constantly feeling uncomfortable...the more they told me to take stuff, be at ease and all that hospitality stuff...made me feel even more uncomfy. Got my first paycheck too...I think making money makes me feel good. So money isn't everything...but you gotta admit...without money, you ain't got no house, no food, no in a way it matters A LOT! I'm being I annoying you? HAHA!
knocked off at 5pm...headed to mrt station...decided to walk into CD rama for a while. Jerry and Zaizai's (Vic Zhou) album so ex...$20.95. Even I can't bear to fork out that much for it, even if it's that tempting. Finally decided to call vic zhou, Zaizai or ZZ, although still think it's weird...but saying Zaizai is so much easier than vic zhou. Plus it was an affectionate term used by his it just don't sound right. His millions of fans and other people call him that, S'like...millions of people are your grandma pr smthg...just really um, werid...yeah...okay I'll stop.
came a little...listened to my cheena officially called 'my cheena compilation' by me. I have this damn big fear that I am turning into the absolutely CHINESE person...okay so I am chinese , but by chinese I mean...cheenafied...AH! you get it...if you don't you're an idiot. okay I didn't mean that. but somehow...they make me feel more than english music. I mean listening to happy songs actually make me feel HAPPY inside and those lovey-dovey or heartbreaking ones actually make you FEEL. It's an absolutely new feeling and the lyrics seem to have more's like a poem...and the lyrics flow better than those of english songs. My sis claims it's because I haven't actually heard the NICE english ones...but I HAVE! and they don't give me the same feeling. I have been absolutely obsessed with this for the whole I cooked dinner...helped mummy peel lotus, along with a bit of my skin, and cut it as well. Did that make you go 'ouch'? Okay I'll stop.
Right mum is paranoid. Due to the introduction of a rat in the house last night(so my sis wasn't seeing THINGS that night). My mum and sis chased it out last night. From upstairs it sounded funny...what with the sounds of the pole whaking everything BUT the rat and the sound of mumbled curses at like 11.30pm. now...all the doors and patio doors have to be closed downstairs when there's no one down there...leaving it very stuffy. BLEAH! and I HATE a stuffy house plus the night air is the best out of the whole day...curse the bloody rat! I CURSE IT! AHHHH!
For slowly bringing you and I together
Everything that has happened
Each page in this photo album
is a happy you and me
Loving you everyday
In this whole world no one can replace you
Having known you for so long
I am still very much in love with you
I basically freezed my ass off today in the office. 1st day of work. Not anything fun, not anything boring. I just have to say it was really quiet...I mean when there's no one around. Then when someone talks, it's like shattering glass or smthg...I swear. Then when you're making phone calls to people...they talk to each other across the room like it's nobody's business...the office isn't big, kinda small actually, so when they talk...the TALK. Was fine though I was constantly feeling uncomfortable...the more they told me to take stuff, be at ease and all that hospitality stuff...made me feel even more uncomfy. Got my first paycheck too...I think making money makes me feel good. So money isn't everything...but you gotta admit...without money, you ain't got no house, no food, no in a way it matters A LOT! I'm being I annoying you? HAHA!
knocked off at 5pm...headed to mrt station...decided to walk into CD rama for a while. Jerry and Zaizai's (Vic Zhou) album so ex...$20.95. Even I can't bear to fork out that much for it, even if it's that tempting. Finally decided to call vic zhou, Zaizai or ZZ, although still think it's weird...but saying Zaizai is so much easier than vic zhou. Plus it was an affectionate term used by his it just don't sound right. His millions of fans and other people call him that, S'like...millions of people are your grandma pr smthg...just really um, werid...yeah...okay I'll stop.
came a little...listened to my cheena officially called 'my cheena compilation' by me. I have this damn big fear that I am turning into the absolutely CHINESE person...okay so I am chinese , but by chinese I mean...cheenafied...AH! you get it...if you don't you're an idiot. okay I didn't mean that. but somehow...they make me feel more than english music. I mean listening to happy songs actually make me feel HAPPY inside and those lovey-dovey or heartbreaking ones actually make you FEEL. It's an absolutely new feeling and the lyrics seem to have more's like a poem...and the lyrics flow better than those of english songs. My sis claims it's because I haven't actually heard the NICE english ones...but I HAVE! and they don't give me the same feeling. I have been absolutely obsessed with this for the whole I cooked dinner...helped mummy peel lotus, along with a bit of my skin, and cut it as well. Did that make you go 'ouch'? Okay I'll stop.
Right mum is paranoid. Due to the introduction of a rat in the house last night(so my sis wasn't seeing THINGS that night). My mum and sis chased it out last night. From upstairs it sounded funny...what with the sounds of the pole whaking everything BUT the rat and the sound of mumbled curses at like 11.30pm. now...all the doors and patio doors have to be closed downstairs when there's no one down there...leaving it very stuffy. BLEAH! and I HATE a stuffy house plus the night air is the best out of the whole day...curse the bloody rat! I CURSE IT! AHHHH!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Sunday is the best!! So relaxing...I have just been reading and reading. Man...feels so good to just sit and listen to music and just read. I can't help staring at my nails...painted them last night, black...while watching VCD and hanging out with my sis.
This morning got up, went to church, had lunch...yumyum...guin's friend sandra tagged along. That girl has to loosen up...haha. Went to PPWC with mummy to shop for veges. Had my chinese CD song and now she's hooked on the Mars OST track haha.
Came back bathed and then helped mummy with the beans and wood ear. Peeled potatoes and squeezed lime juice and mummy cut the aloe vera we bought...bleah! It's absolutely bitter fresh from the leaf. Going out for dinner soon...and I wanna change my blog song!! Anyway...To all the people I took grad night pics with...I can't remember all of you people...but SEND THEM TO ME...or smthg...or just put it on your blog and I'll rip them from there...haha! stop...there seems to be this urge to ramble. Not good gen...
This morning got up, went to church, had lunch...yumyum...guin's friend sandra tagged along. That girl has to loosen up...haha. Went to PPWC with mummy to shop for veges. Had my chinese CD song and now she's hooked on the Mars OST track haha.
Came back bathed and then helped mummy with the beans and wood ear. Peeled potatoes and squeezed lime juice and mummy cut the aloe vera we bought...bleah! It's absolutely bitter fresh from the leaf. Going out for dinner soon...and I wanna change my blog song!! Anyway...To all the people I took grad night pics with...I can't remember all of you people...but SEND THEM TO ME...or smthg...or just put it on your blog and I'll rip them from there...haha! stop...there seems to be this urge to ramble. Not good gen...
Friday, November 26, 2004
Last night was good...wasn't exctiting or anything, but was okay. Food was good, although the emcee was really lame and the games were a bit spas...haha. Kept taking a lot of photos though. After that met erika and wanted to go walk around town, but then decided to go back up to the room and chat. Had a nice long one and then papa came to pick me up. Hung out with my sis until 4am o.o I have only one last thing to say about last night though, I sincerely thank God for inventing track shoes.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
If you have too much sadness
Leave your heart for me to protect
The tired fireworks
I'll chase them away for you
Woke up feeling a little weighed down. I'm still pissed at this morning. I'll vent later, so you won't have to read it now, and you can skip it.
To school for the stupid briefing, was completely useless... okay the front bit was...and besides I wasn't really listening to the last bit, but...wait I guess I was listening a bit...was playing around with RW. Got all the stuff and went off first and dropped in on the guides. Was nice seeing all off them. Although, jianghan...don't stress girl. haha.
Left with erika and Naomi and then erika and I headed to Orchard to look for my top. Was an enjoyable trip. We were like sweeping through shops, jumping from building to building (not literally). In a very fast manner, at least faster than I thought it would be. Finally found a nice one and bought it. Headed for lunch, had hokkien mee, was good haven't had that for a long time. To perlini's to get erika's silver cloth and solution. After which, we split.
Frankly speaking, I felt that she was the one doing all the work...haha. and I was just tagging along, just saying 'no', 'cannot', 'looks weird'. Felt kinda bad to drag her out to buy stuff with me, but it was really good =) and thanks for listening to my stuff...I know you got yours too, but I appreciate it all.
Came home, washed clothes, bathed, sat in my room with my chinese CD and read a book. Was a good thing...nice and quiet, only music.I need to have this more often. Slept a little while too.
Grad night's tomorrow...frankly I don't know what I'm really feeling...not really anxiety...haha. This would be my second one, but this doesn't feel the same, it feels like I'm leaving lots of stuff behind. Too much, and I can't seem to pack it all up. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
As for this can skip this part...not worth your time actually.
I am still ab-so-lute-ly clueless. Why is it whenever we talk, it ends up in a HUGE mess-up. I don't like that. Really. I don't know why you thought i was being rude to you, cause I CERTAINLY did not have the intention of doing so. I would not say that I am the best daughter in the world...but you know what? I would NEVER stoop that low to get something from you...all this time I have earned everything in a righteous manner from you. Those words you said to me, it hurt me...but you know what've never really cared about that have you? After all you just shove all the stuff I earn from you or the stuff I work so hard to get, in my face . It's been going on for what, 7 years? I thought I had learnt to ignore it cause it just doesn't seem to affect me any more, but recently I found still does, but you don't care do you? I know you think I'm really independent, yeah, you brought me up that way, but sometimes, I need some comfort or maybe just a hug to reassure me or something, don't you get it. These 7 years, I've just been keeping it all inside, I don't like to selfishly pour out all my feelings and cry in front of people, cause they definitely have their own stuff to take care off and that's not fair to them at all. I don't know when it's all gonna come out and stuff, but for now, it's stayin' in there. After all crying's not gonna solve anything. It never does.
Milkshake: I only know what songs there are...don't really know which he composed.
Leave your heart for me to protect
The tired fireworks
I'll chase them away for you
Woke up feeling a little weighed down. I'm still pissed at this morning. I'll vent later, so you won't have to read it now, and you can skip it.
To school for the stupid briefing, was completely useless... okay the front bit was...and besides I wasn't really listening to the last bit, but...wait I guess I was listening a bit...was playing around with RW. Got all the stuff and went off first and dropped in on the guides. Was nice seeing all off them. Although, jianghan...don't stress girl. haha.
Left with erika and Naomi and then erika and I headed to Orchard to look for my top. Was an enjoyable trip. We were like sweeping through shops, jumping from building to building (not literally). In a very fast manner, at least faster than I thought it would be. Finally found a nice one and bought it. Headed for lunch, had hokkien mee, was good haven't had that for a long time. To perlini's to get erika's silver cloth and solution. After which, we split.
Frankly speaking, I felt that she was the one doing all the work...haha. and I was just tagging along, just saying 'no', 'cannot', 'looks weird'. Felt kinda bad to drag her out to buy stuff with me, but it was really good =) and thanks for listening to my stuff...I know you got yours too, but I appreciate it all.
Came home, washed clothes, bathed, sat in my room with my chinese CD and read a book. Was a good thing...nice and quiet, only music.I need to have this more often. Slept a little while too.
Grad night's tomorrow...frankly I don't know what I'm really feeling...not really anxiety...haha. This would be my second one, but this doesn't feel the same, it feels like I'm leaving lots of stuff behind. Too much, and I can't seem to pack it all up. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
As for this can skip this part...not worth your time actually.
I am still ab-so-lute-ly clueless. Why is it whenever we talk, it ends up in a HUGE mess-up. I don't like that. Really. I don't know why you thought i was being rude to you, cause I CERTAINLY did not have the intention of doing so. I would not say that I am the best daughter in the world...but you know what? I would NEVER stoop that low to get something from you...all this time I have earned everything in a righteous manner from you. Those words you said to me, it hurt me...but you know what've never really cared about that have you? After all you just shove all the stuff I earn from you or the stuff I work so hard to get, in my face . It's been going on for what, 7 years? I thought I had learnt to ignore it cause it just doesn't seem to affect me any more, but recently I found still does, but you don't care do you? I know you think I'm really independent, yeah, you brought me up that way, but sometimes, I need some comfort or maybe just a hug to reassure me or something, don't you get it. These 7 years, I've just been keeping it all inside, I don't like to selfishly pour out all my feelings and cry in front of people, cause they definitely have their own stuff to take care off and that's not fair to them at all. I don't know when it's all gonna come out and stuff, but for now, it's stayin' in there. After all crying's not gonna solve anything. It never does.
Milkshake: I only know what songs there are...don't really know which he composed.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
To the's changed quite a bit since the last time I went there. I like the change. Just the 3 of us ethel, erika, perry and I along with little nelsie (janel) she was a good girl today. Ethel's dad came to pick us up to drop janel off at home, then perry went for her tuition, while the 3 of us went to town. To erika's dentist we went, she was (or still is) pissed at her rubber bands as she always is. Went to bk for awhile, and sat there and chatted, although ethel was rather quiet...must have been tired. was a good chat, then headed home. Got damn wet at the last stretch cos didn't bring my umbrella. Bathed, sat down to watch some more 'liu xing hua yuan'. Mummy came back and I cooked dinner. She wanted to go out to look at clothes, but was feeling tired and plus I had taken my bathe and I didn't wann go for another when I came back. So now I'm here.
I don't understand. We saw something nice yesterday, WHY didn't we just take it. I mean I know we should look around and all that, but I mean, I don't really have the time. You told me to wait till after exams to bother about this THING...I agreed and now it's just NOT working out. If your aim is to make me feel bad that I'm riching you and dragging you out to this...then you've succeeded. You don't trust me to get something on my's this gonna work out? I mean it's just 2 days away...we gotta think of something, FAST!
I don't understand. We saw something nice yesterday, WHY didn't we just take it. I mean I know we should look around and all that, but I mean, I don't really have the time. You told me to wait till after exams to bother about this THING...I agreed and now it's just NOT working out. If your aim is to make me feel bad that I'm riching you and dragging you out to this...then you've succeeded. You don't trust me to get something on my's this gonna work out? I mean it's just 2 days away...we gotta think of something, FAST!
Monday, November 22, 2004
Saturday, November 20, 2004
You know what...I LOVED TODAY!!! Thank you to the 3 lovely people in my life. I saw something nice at Daniel Yam...but the whole feckin' world's going there. We all gonna look like clones, man!! The big accomplishment...we got erika shoes, haha...with heels!! Practically traipsed through the whole of orchard and then went to explanade...sat there for a while, I liked it...with the exception of other external things (ahem...) but it was good...quiet, and good place to think. Sorry to my gf for ignoring her for awhile there
To erika I say : THANK YOU LOADS you may not know this, but it meant helluva a lot to me, I mean, what you did for me...I've never been able to do with anybody in my life. Have I told you...I love you!
Took the bus home...thought a bit more...and yeah STOOOOPID man on the bus belching for 20 mins and spraying his saliva on me before getting off. @#$&!
Came home...and the whole evening just crashed! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I HATE THIS!!! WHY do we have to do this ALL the you even know how damn irritating it irritating isn't the word for it, miserable, yes it makes me feel absolutely miserable, it's the poor girl's birthday, do you know how painful it is to see how much strife is caused just because you're born on that day...I was expecting it to happen tomorrow morning when we're going to church...NO!! You had to do it today...I feel like hitting something, venting.
WHY!?!?! It just makes me wanna leave and walk away...why is it other people can live peacefully and we can't...we can't even go out for dinner together? I just left a friend to have dinner with her family because it's her brother's birthday and they can do that easily...why can't we do the same!?!
I went out happily to find something that I look nice in and yeah I found let me choose, I chose and what are you telling me now?! You know what?! WHY waste the $70...I might as well go there in a bloody shirt and jeans...WHY GET MY HOPES UP TO ONLY CRASH THEM?! You know when you said what you said, you killed all the happiness I had to looking forward to that night. I felt gave me false hope. I HATE THAT...if you can't do it...just tell me you can't at the start, don't be all wishy-washy on me. I can't take it, you do this all the time? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?! Something you can play around with?!
I just wanna go away...quiet...somewhere I can just stare, not hear anyone...and sit there. I don't need comfort...I don't need someone to tell it's all gonna be alright, I just need someone to just sit there and go through all this silence with me. That's all I want.
To erika I say : THANK YOU LOADS you may not know this, but it meant helluva a lot to me, I mean, what you did for me...I've never been able to do with anybody in my life. Have I told you...I love you!
Took the bus home...thought a bit more...and yeah STOOOOPID man on the bus belching for 20 mins and spraying his saliva on me before getting off. @#$&!
Came home...and the whole evening just crashed! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I HATE THIS!!! WHY do we have to do this ALL the you even know how damn irritating it irritating isn't the word for it, miserable, yes it makes me feel absolutely miserable, it's the poor girl's birthday, do you know how painful it is to see how much strife is caused just because you're born on that day...I was expecting it to happen tomorrow morning when we're going to church...NO!! You had to do it today...I feel like hitting something, venting.
WHY!?!?! It just makes me wanna leave and walk away...why is it other people can live peacefully and we can't...we can't even go out for dinner together? I just left a friend to have dinner with her family because it's her brother's birthday and they can do that easily...why can't we do the same!?!
I went out happily to find something that I look nice in and yeah I found let me choose, I chose and what are you telling me now?! You know what?! WHY waste the $70...I might as well go there in a bloody shirt and jeans...WHY GET MY HOPES UP TO ONLY CRASH THEM?! You know when you said what you said, you killed all the happiness I had to looking forward to that night. I felt gave me false hope. I HATE THAT...if you can't do it...just tell me you can't at the start, don't be all wishy-washy on me. I can't take it, you do this all the time? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?! Something you can play around with?!
I just wanna go away...quiet...somewhere I can just stare, not hear anyone...and sit there. I don't need comfort...I don't need someone to tell it's all gonna be alright, I just need someone to just sit there and go through all this silence with me. That's all I want.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I couldn't resist...this song just makes me feel so happy...gravity by Jerry Yan..translated.
As long as you smile
I won't mind
You're capricious to me
But I actually feel honored
Don't care about love
It's love's enemy
I've already lost my usual calm for you
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
And putting them in your hands
*Love is like gravity
Inch by inch
Deeply attracted by you
A broken heart doesn't matter
I'm also willing to wait
In the crowd, the only one I can see is you
Love is like gravity
There's no crack
Day by day
I don't see you but I think of you
In your eyes
I know myself again
It's so easy to smile in front of you
I finally understand
During those lonely nights
The lonesome expressions
Are because you aren’t near
So I'm willing
To get drenched in the rain to wait for someone
You are the one that woke the love that even I didn’t understand
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
And putting them in your hands
Repeat *
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
Love is like gravity
Irresistible (irresistible)
Inch by inch
Deeply attracted by you (deeply attracted by you)
A broken heart doesn't matter
I'm also willing to wait
In the crowd, the only one I can see is you (only one I can see is you)
Love is like gravity
There's no crack (there's no crack)
Day by day
I don't see you but I think of you (but I think of you, think of you)
In your eyes
I know myself again
It's so easy to smile in front of you (so easy)
As long as you smile
I won't mind
You're capricious to me
But I actually feel honored
Don't care about love
It's love's enemy
I've already lost my usual calm for you
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
And putting them in your hands
*Love is like gravity
Inch by inch
Deeply attracted by you
A broken heart doesn't matter
I'm also willing to wait
In the crowd, the only one I can see is you
Love is like gravity
There's no crack
Day by day
I don't see you but I think of you
In your eyes
I know myself again
It's so easy to smile in front of you
I finally understand
During those lonely nights
The lonesome expressions
Are because you aren’t near
So I'm willing
To get drenched in the rain to wait for someone
You are the one that woke the love that even I didn’t understand
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
And putting them in your hands
Repeat *
Although I'm not an expert
Happiness, this type of thing
I really do want however
Taking everything you want
Love is like gravity
Irresistible (irresistible)
Inch by inch
Deeply attracted by you (deeply attracted by you)
A broken heart doesn't matter
I'm also willing to wait
In the crowd, the only one I can see is you (only one I can see is you)
Love is like gravity
There's no crack (there's no crack)
Day by day
I don't see you but I think of you (but I think of you, think of you)
In your eyes
I know myself again
It's so easy to smile in front of you (so easy)
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Talked to my darling last night...made me realise how empty I feel right now...I don't care if it's 6 more days. So lonely...doing everything by myself, no familiar laughter or making you laugh, nothing to really look forward to. Laughing at this juncture is supposed to be're supposed to be studying. It's an empty feeling I cannot express, mixed with fears. Fearing the coming of the next day, cos it means one less day, less time. A feeling I can't describe. It's just getting so hard, but I know I need to persevere, if not everything's just gonna be wasted 'gong kui yi kui'(meaning falling at the last stretch). I just need to carry on and I am glad these cheenafied songs are helping in a way, making things seemingly better. Whatever, it makes me feel better.
Fixed the my sis says 'fucking school children on holiday feeding off the bandwith' ( I know I'm going to be one of those kids soon...but right now I ain't) and am on a Jerry Yan and Vic Zhou, downloading spree...I tell you my sis is gonna flip or something. I can't believe what all this stuff is doing to me. but hey, it helps, so I'ma gonna use it.
How the hell am I gonna go to califronia like this?!?!
Fixed the my sis says 'fucking school children on holiday feeding off the bandwith' ( I know I'm going to be one of those kids soon...but right now I ain't) and am on a Jerry Yan and Vic Zhou, downloading spree...I tell you my sis is gonna flip or something. I can't believe what all this stuff is doing to me. but hey, it helps, so I'ma gonna use it.
How the hell am I gonna go to califronia like this?!?!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
I have decided to come back seeing as I have been negelcting my blog because of the damn 'O's, and I need to get some feelings out. But first, just lemme say...this chinese thingie, is SO working for me...and that whatshisname...Vic Zhou, is growing on me as in, REALLY. It scares me...and I keep playing songs by him on the comp...esp the Mars OST song 'rang wo ai ni'. Anyway onto other things...
Everything's been going okay...I think...I'm just damn scared, yes, scared of what I will see on black and white every morning when I walk into the exam room, scared to see what I get on my certificate which will scar my life for 2 years...2 years may not seem very long...but it's damn long.
I am scared that the panic attacks will come, God has helped me a lot these 2 weeks and I thank him so much for all that he has done, but I feel there is only so much he can do for me and I fear what I am doing is not enough.
This fear is not like in those horror movies where it makes you scream, it resides in my gut ready to take over at the slightest bit of a panic attack I have. I have this constant vision that when the exam starts I'd just stand up, leave and walk home...WALK home. No one can calm this fear of mine...what with the constant asking of 'How was today's paper?', I know you mean well, but do you know that whenever I respond to that, I feel like I am promising you a particular grade for that paper and when I can't deliver, I feel I have seriously disappointed you, and not just you but myself as well. I feel like running away...driving in a car(that is if I can...) at high speed down an endless road so that I can forget all of this and try hard to not remember any of it forever.
My 'rents have gone to's coming back tonight, mummy will come down with my aunties tomorrow. Their there cos my auntie esther's papa is sick. You know hits me that all my relatives are not here but across the causeway and that makes them feel so unreachable to me. Like if something were to happen to them, I can't exactly take a 15 min drive down the block or to another street in Singapore to go see them, I'd have to endure 4 hours in a car to do that and I wouldn't know what to do when I get there to see them and a lot can happen in 4 hours. I'm not the kind who shows feelings very often, if I do then it's really a lot. I'm also not the kind who hugs my family and stuff (except my sis) and I wouldn't know what to say, cos if he/she was sick. I can't exactly say 'you're gonna be okay' cos I'd be makin' a promise I can't keep. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, I don't know what plan God has for them tomorrow. If they're gonna cry, I won't know what to say, crying people are just my weakness, I mean you want me to hug you? you want me to say something? if yes, then what? What do you want to hear, what would make you feel better? Some chocolate, ice-cream perhaps? You got me there. I don't know how to comfort...I don't know how to talk.
sorry, just needed to blog it out and yes, you can blame vic zhou and his Mars OST song, cos it's makin' me feel right now.
Everything's been going okay...I think...I'm just damn scared, yes, scared of what I will see on black and white every morning when I walk into the exam room, scared to see what I get on my certificate which will scar my life for 2 years...2 years may not seem very long...but it's damn long.
I am scared that the panic attacks will come, God has helped me a lot these 2 weeks and I thank him so much for all that he has done, but I feel there is only so much he can do for me and I fear what I am doing is not enough.
This fear is not like in those horror movies where it makes you scream, it resides in my gut ready to take over at the slightest bit of a panic attack I have. I have this constant vision that when the exam starts I'd just stand up, leave and walk home...WALK home. No one can calm this fear of mine...what with the constant asking of 'How was today's paper?', I know you mean well, but do you know that whenever I respond to that, I feel like I am promising you a particular grade for that paper and when I can't deliver, I feel I have seriously disappointed you, and not just you but myself as well. I feel like running away...driving in a car(that is if I can...) at high speed down an endless road so that I can forget all of this and try hard to not remember any of it forever.
My 'rents have gone to's coming back tonight, mummy will come down with my aunties tomorrow. Their there cos my auntie esther's papa is sick. You know hits me that all my relatives are not here but across the causeway and that makes them feel so unreachable to me. Like if something were to happen to them, I can't exactly take a 15 min drive down the block or to another street in Singapore to go see them, I'd have to endure 4 hours in a car to do that and I wouldn't know what to do when I get there to see them and a lot can happen in 4 hours. I'm not the kind who shows feelings very often, if I do then it's really a lot. I'm also not the kind who hugs my family and stuff (except my sis) and I wouldn't know what to say, cos if he/she was sick. I can't exactly say 'you're gonna be okay' cos I'd be makin' a promise I can't keep. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, I don't know what plan God has for them tomorrow. If they're gonna cry, I won't know what to say, crying people are just my weakness, I mean you want me to hug you? you want me to say something? if yes, then what? What do you want to hear, what would make you feel better? Some chocolate, ice-cream perhaps? You got me there. I don't know how to comfort...I don't know how to talk.
sorry, just needed to blog it out and yes, you can blame vic zhou and his Mars OST song, cos it's makin' me feel right now.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Today was good, met my gf and darling in the morning, chatted and was supposed to go for chem...but decided to go for SS with mrs val fam...not bad. Amath...I would like to declare to the whole world that I CAN DO RELATIVE VELOCITY!!! ( I think....) well, till qns 3 happened. The to st mike's with alex to eat lunch. Met erika and me sis there...=) plus my darling and gf.
erika: can you please take care of yourself...
had a good time...just hanging around and walking around aimlessly like it's the last day of school (although it was...). Met this girl Jillian...had good talk with her, although I'm sure the people in the canteen were probably thinking we were nuts, walking around that row of tables for more than 8 times. Walked her down the hill while erika cycled. Erika tried to cycle me up the hill, but failed, and I tried to go home many times but could not *ahem* but was super seeing the 2LL...been missing them. TGIF...I am happy. Won't you rejoice with me?
erika: can you please take care of yourself...
had a good time...just hanging around and walking around aimlessly like it's the last day of school (although it was...). Met this girl Jillian...had good talk with her, although I'm sure the people in the canteen were probably thinking we were nuts, walking around that row of tables for more than 8 times. Walked her down the hill while erika cycled. Erika tried to cycle me up the hill, but failed, and I tried to go home many times but could not *ahem* but was super seeing the 2LL...been missing them. TGIF...I am happy. Won't you rejoice with me?
Thursday, October 28, 2004
A prawn...why?!?!? For 2 years...I have been drawing fruits...banana, kiwi, tomatoes, cucumbers...and vegetables...celery, corn, french bean, pea pod...and I get a tiger prawn (I think...). Lets just say when I walked in I expected to get some awkward fruit like a...I dunno...chiku? and I see a piece of seafood on my bench and you want me to DRAW that thing...shit. It looked really pretty, like a prawn...until I had to draw the legs...that was when I delcared it a monster. Was fine...I thought the prawn was easy though...esp. the tail. I never knew there were those things on its tail...o.O. but it was good...just that I found out I mixed up urine with saliva...the irony. Gen how can the urine of a healthy person have PROTEINS ?!?!?! and haven't we established the bleeding fact that enzymes are proteins?!?!?! IDIOT!!!
The sad thing was we had to throw all the prawns away, so 41+36=77 TIGER prawns wasted...I could have had a prawn party. locked up til 1.30pm...saw erika havin' lit (I think...) suddenly felt like talking to her... Oh well, 1.30 came...of to lunch RY, Janice and I went for lunch at Novena...had LJS....I liked the corn....went a walking....then to home. Did english...although there were calls from my mummy...then cooked dinner...the champion (that bitch is starting to irritate me!), the OC...the my gf called =) ... was nice. Then to sleep.
The sad thing was we had to throw all the prawns away, so 41+36=77 TIGER prawns wasted...I could have had a prawn party. locked up til 1.30pm...saw erika havin' lit (I think...) suddenly felt like talking to her... Oh well, 1.30 came...of to lunch RY, Janice and I went for lunch at Novena...had LJS....I liked the corn....went a walking....then to home. Did english...although there were calls from my mummy...then cooked dinner...the champion (that bitch is starting to irritate me!), the OC...the my gf called =) ... was nice. Then to sleep.
Monday, October 18, 2004
I've waited all my life to cross this line
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hide
it's time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true
you don't know
what you do
everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
do you see me too?
do you even know you met me
I feel 40 kinds of sadness when you're gone.
I feel the same thing always happens when you're gone
And i know you're just around the corner
But just around the corner is not enough
It's not enough
It's not enough, I don't know why
It's not enough, I miss you all the time
And I know you kinda like it.
You ain't got to buy nothin'(it's not what I want)
Baby it's you
We don't have to go nowhere(it's not what I want)
Baby it's you
It's not 'bout what you got
I know you got a lot
No matter what you do, you always get it hot, it's you (it's you)
Baby all I want is you
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hide
it's time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true
you don't know
what you do
everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
do you see me too?
do you even know you met me
I feel 40 kinds of sadness when you're gone.
I feel the same thing always happens when you're gone
And i know you're just around the corner
But just around the corner is not enough
It's not enough
It's not enough, I don't know why
It's not enough, I miss you all the time
And I know you kinda like it.
You ain't got to buy nothin'(it's not what I want)
Baby it's you
We don't have to go nowhere(it's not what I want)
Baby it's you
It's not 'bout what you got
I know you got a lot
No matter what you do, you always get it hot, it's you (it's you)
Baby all I want is you
Saturday, October 16, 2004
She's only happy when she's dancin'
There ain't nothin' makes her feel so free
When she's dancin'
The girl's outrageous and it's plain to see
so I just typed a long entry and what did my mouse decide to do...double click...@#$%!!
As I typed...I feel happy...13 papers in 2 days...4 Emath papers, 5 Amath papers, 3 chem papers and 1 physics paper. However I am worried. I haven't touched any textbooks...yes worried I am. However TV has kept me happy...2 hrs of meteor garden ( I still don't know what I watch it) and 1 hr of the cheena show, Is it me or am I watching chinese shows...*gasp* oh well. TV keeps me happy seeing as I can't do a tonne of things right now...not forgetting the phone =), basically getting some downtime with you =). Sorry to the reader if you have no idea what I am talking about...don't let it bother you yea? Bad for you. enjoyed time with guin today...she cooks better...yumyum and mummy bought my organics I don't have use dove...that damn shampoo makes my hair smell weird I tell you.
You know what? I know daddy's office is good for me...I mean no distractions and there's the net (the irony), the only place where I can access it. Although I'm not supposed to use it there cos it's not broadband, I swear i have run up the bill there and when my 'rents get the bill they're gonna go WHOA!! I tell you. Oh well...tomorrow is another day...and it will be better. =)
There ain't nothin' makes her feel so free
When she's dancin'
The girl's outrageous and it's plain to see
so I just typed a long entry and what did my mouse decide to do...double click...@#$%!!
As I typed...I feel happy...13 papers in 2 days...4 Emath papers, 5 Amath papers, 3 chem papers and 1 physics paper. However I am worried. I haven't touched any textbooks...yes worried I am. However TV has kept me happy...2 hrs of meteor garden ( I still don't know what I watch it) and 1 hr of the cheena show, Is it me or am I watching chinese shows...*gasp* oh well. TV keeps me happy seeing as I can't do a tonne of things right now...not forgetting the phone =), basically getting some downtime with you =). Sorry to the reader if you have no idea what I am talking about...don't let it bother you yea? Bad for you. enjoyed time with guin today...she cooks better...yumyum and mummy bought my organics I don't have use dove...that damn shampoo makes my hair smell weird I tell you.
You know what? I know daddy's office is good for me...I mean no distractions and there's the net (the irony), the only place where I can access it. Although I'm not supposed to use it there cos it's not broadband, I swear i have run up the bill there and when my 'rents get the bill they're gonna go WHOA!! I tell you. Oh well...tomorrow is another day...and it will be better. =)
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine
When I see you from time to time I still feel like that's my baby
You can see it no matter how I try to hide
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
You will always be my boo
well...I'm back...there's OC and apprentice tonight...good TV. today marking the last day of my formal education as a secondary student, still had lessons, but pretty relaxed. Amath...made mr teh pose for a photo for us, chem...was interrupted by the exam talk, was basically just noise, and photo more papers too...I seriously think our class is mad. I think we spent more that $200 on papers. People just keep asking for more!!! it's stupid I tell you, okay so one of the stupid people includes gen...but I really think it's stupid, okay so I think I stupid...wait...did I just say that? never mind. Got report books back, took pics with people...mrs tay just took an extremely LONG time...I mean until 2.30pm....I think the whole world had already gone home by then. I missed mrs siow again...see lar! All her fault...
feels so sad to be leaving...I mean from P6 wasn't so bad...after all it was still IJ but now, I never dreamt that I would be receiving the goodbyes...for so long it's just been me giving the weird to be on the receiving end of it all.*sniffsniff* and so also ends 10 years of my IJ education.
When I see you from time to time I still feel like that's my baby
You can see it no matter how I try to hide
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
You will always be my boo
well...I'm back...there's OC and apprentice tonight...good TV. today marking the last day of my formal education as a secondary student, still had lessons, but pretty relaxed. Amath...made mr teh pose for a photo for us, chem...was interrupted by the exam talk, was basically just noise, and photo more papers too...I seriously think our class is mad. I think we spent more that $200 on papers. People just keep asking for more!!! it's stupid I tell you, okay so one of the stupid people includes gen...but I really think it's stupid, okay so I think I stupid...wait...did I just say that? never mind. Got report books back, took pics with people...mrs tay just took an extremely LONG time...I mean until 2.30pm....I think the whole world had already gone home by then. I missed mrs siow again...see lar! All her fault...
feels so sad to be leaving...I mean from P6 wasn't so bad...after all it was still IJ but now, I never dreamt that I would be receiving the goodbyes...for so long it's just been me giving the weird to be on the receiving end of it all.*sniffsniff* and so also ends 10 years of my IJ education.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
There was something with your hair,
That makes me feel this way, and i can't help it.
It's just the way i feel inside...
There was something with your eyes,
That no one else could have... Only an angel.
Not capable of any lies
haha...mummy left the net on...haha...ot maybe she's testing me...oh well to hell with that. I just came out of the room to staple my homework and I saw the comp...and the rest is history. I feel I am neglecting my blog....nvrm
Friday night was lovely...thanks to the outside. met the 3 lovely people at long johns and then we went to eat dinner there. Met van and chris, so decided to eat with them. Had some soup courtesy of erika. talked a bit and headed for mass. Met my gf there and we all sat. Mass was fine...although I sheriously tink(I want it spelt this way) they ar...need to chain the commentator. Okay that was mean. and the singing was highly inaudible...why can't people sing? After that said bye to van and chris, and we went to bk. My gf bought a drink and erika a hersheys sundae pie...met alex and her sis , mich w, janice there. sat...flipped through mags and decided to walk. sat outside and the rest is indescribable=). 3 of them got a lift from ethel and me took a bus back. Bathed...studied and then I crashed.
Saturday...missed, winx (DON'T SAY ANYTHING!) So studied and then watched meteor garden...I swear I am hooked on that damn show...and I have NO idea why...studied more...AMath...heavenly sword and dragon sabre...dinner and studied and to sleep.
Sunday...mass...and sunday class. Okay the guy across me...was irritating me...not physically but subconsciously..he just seemed SOOO bored...I was quiet...but NOT BORING. sam and I agreed...there is seriously something...either he just LOOKS bored or I don't know. Found out dennis is leaving for down under all the best to him=) thomson plaza...bought stationery, another assessment book ( I swear I am crazy) lunch there...came home and bathed, studied. Need to finish laoshi's hmwk and also the homework of the chinese teacher that erika finds so sexy. Then I shall go watch the cheena show. Mummy ahs gone out for some computer thingie and we shall have mac & cheese for dinner..yayz.
That makes me feel this way, and i can't help it.
It's just the way i feel inside...
There was something with your eyes,
That no one else could have... Only an angel.
Not capable of any lies
haha...mummy left the net on...haha...ot maybe she's testing me...oh well to hell with that. I just came out of the room to staple my homework and I saw the comp...and the rest is history. I feel I am neglecting my blog....nvrm
Friday night was lovely...thanks to the outside. met the 3 lovely people at long johns and then we went to eat dinner there. Met van and chris, so decided to eat with them. Had some soup courtesy of erika. talked a bit and headed for mass. Met my gf there and we all sat. Mass was fine...although I sheriously tink(I want it spelt this way) they ar...need to chain the commentator. Okay that was mean. and the singing was highly inaudible...why can't people sing? After that said bye to van and chris, and we went to bk. My gf bought a drink and erika a hersheys sundae pie...met alex and her sis , mich w, janice there. sat...flipped through mags and decided to walk. sat outside and the rest is indescribable=). 3 of them got a lift from ethel and me took a bus back. Bathed...studied and then I crashed.
Saturday...missed, winx (DON'T SAY ANYTHING!) So studied and then watched meteor garden...I swear I am hooked on that damn show...and I have NO idea why...studied more...AMath...heavenly sword and dragon sabre...dinner and studied and to sleep.
Sunday...mass...and sunday class. Okay the guy across me...was irritating me...not physically but subconsciously..he just seemed SOOO bored...I was quiet...but NOT BORING. sam and I agreed...there is seriously something...either he just LOOKS bored or I don't know. Found out dennis is leaving for down under all the best to him=) thomson plaza...bought stationery, another assessment book ( I swear I am crazy) lunch there...came home and bathed, studied. Need to finish laoshi's hmwk and also the homework of the chinese teacher that erika finds so sexy. Then I shall go watch the cheena show. Mummy ahs gone out for some computer thingie and we shall have mac & cheese for dinner..yayz.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Blogger seems screwed....and WTH the damn thingamajig is BLUE!?! Well we shall not care about such mundane issues O.o. This has been an exciting week. Had Amath test this morning...ab-so-lute-ly CLEAN forgot about so nonetheless I was stunned, but it turned out okay. Only had to do half the paper...gonna have to stay back tomorrow to finish it up and alex didn't come today. 3 periods of chem...need I say more...and need I say what happened tro me during the lesson? No...I'm sure I don't.
Recess...had some crunchy noodle thingie...I swear the sauce had a funny taste...sat with Nat and Abish. Headed to st mikes to get popular card from guin and met my darling and erika...made them walk back to st mikes to see me sis. Stayed there for a while and had some fun with guin then back to class erika and I went.
Class...imagine this...$109 worth of test papers flying one knows what belongs to one knows what their supposed to have and missing pieces...and poor Mrs Mah had to wait until we had everything settled and done...lemme tell you its A LOT of papers...Emath...had a test...was aiight...not too hard...not that easy and then to papa's office me and my brolly went.
The thing that pissed me off. Went to popular...bought my assessment book and my green pen refill. got on the bus and guess which one was missing? NO! not the book idiot...the green pen refill!!! Was liked WTF....where the fuck is the damn green pen...and what else conveniently dropped out too? the receipt. Pissed. In the midst of doing my timetable for 'O's and the will do my reflectionsa and then head home for tuition. Tomorrow will be a better day...YES it will.
gf: been missing you....nice talking to you last night see you tomorrow...=)
Recess...had some crunchy noodle thingie...I swear the sauce had a funny taste...sat with Nat and Abish. Headed to st mikes to get popular card from guin and met my darling and erika...made them walk back to st mikes to see me sis. Stayed there for a while and had some fun with guin then back to class erika and I went.
Class...imagine this...$109 worth of test papers flying one knows what belongs to one knows what their supposed to have and missing pieces...and poor Mrs Mah had to wait until we had everything settled and done...lemme tell you its A LOT of papers...Emath...had a test...was aiight...not too hard...not that easy and then to papa's office me and my brolly went.
The thing that pissed me off. Went to popular...bought my assessment book and my green pen refill. got on the bus and guess which one was missing? NO! not the book idiot...the green pen refill!!! Was liked WTF....where the fuck is the damn green pen...and what else conveniently dropped out too? the receipt. Pissed. In the midst of doing my timetable for 'O's and the will do my reflectionsa and then head home for tuition. Tomorrow will be a better day...YES it will.
gf: been missing you....nice talking to you last night see you tomorrow...=)
Friday, October 01, 2004
I feel confused, a whole lot of anger, hate and sadness has built up in me over the past few days. I feel robbed and cheated, taken advantage of. I don't know what to say, what to doesn't seem like it will fade away as fast as the other times. I have to say that I am teetering on the edge...about to fall. For the first time in my life, I don't know what to do. I can't find the strength in me to pull myself up, no matter what people tell me. Easier said than I truly know what that means, I wish it could end sooner, everyday seems to go by like a year, and I can't take it, why?!?! Why can't I draw out what I used to have to help me get through this, why do I feel helpless!??! I hate this feeling, it is the one feeling that I fear the most. What I do doesn't seem to work, doesn't seem to help...why?!? ! I feel like giving up, just sitting down and taking a rest, but I don't have time for that, not possible. I have exhausted myself. A part of me still wants to go on, but the other part of me just can't , no more, enough. I have never felt this way, never felt so down in my life, where is that undying strength in me, why is it I can't find it in me any longer, it used to be's becoming so hard. I can't keep up. Why is it convincing myself that I will be fine used to work and yet now it doesn't? Is it really too much sometimes I ask myself...I tell myself no...I need to push myself...but I don't know, is it it beyond me...or would it have been better elsewhere. The future is bleak...I fear, yes I fear...the one thing that I will admit I am truly afraid of now at this moment. I just want to cry and let it all out...but I still feel that there is still something left inside that I somehow can't get rid off...I feel like nothing will ever make it any better. For the first time I just want to hold someone and cry, just cry...that will be satisfactory.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
And so I turn sixteen...YAY!!! Had so many presents...never had that many my life...and I got TEDDY BEARS!!! HAHA!! The day was good except for the end...but it way surpassed that. Nothing special at home...just the usual...had tuition and the cake came late, but it was mango. =)
Thanks to sheryl for the nice pencil case, Nic m, perry for the chocs and the flower(I can't spell it, ethel for the 'me to you' bear I love it, erika for the R&B collection're a genius man, how did you guess...haha, prissy for the simpson chocs, chris...for the waaaaaaaay interesting gift, nat and van for the really blue cushion, magella for the bear and sameema for the diary thingie, although I hardly talk to the both of's nice to know you guys remembered...I really appreciate it. And to the tonnes of people who wished me happy birthday...I love you guys...haha
Thanks to sheryl for the nice pencil case, Nic m, perry for the chocs and the flower(I can't spell it, ethel for the 'me to you' bear I love it, erika for the R&B collection're a genius man, how did you guess...haha, prissy for the simpson chocs, chris...for the waaaaaaaay interesting gift, nat and van for the really blue cushion, magella for the bear and sameema for the diary thingie, although I hardly talk to the both of's nice to know you guys remembered...I really appreciate it. And to the tonnes of people who wished me happy birthday...I love you guys...haha
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Okay...hmmm....the password's still the same for daddy's I'm in luck. =) Shan't talk about today...too many things...I just can't cry for this kinda fucked up shit anymore. Although am happy that my gf likes her prezzie...after all the effort put in by erika and I. haha...
sec 4 farewell...thanks to plc 04/ was a job well done...much appreciated...the party was aiight. esp with natasha just being herself and Nic m being high, and when I say high I mean HIGH...on strawbwerries (can you believe this girl?!?!?) and thanks to erika, she got cake on me...I don't care what the story is. Got tonnes of gifts, thanks to you all...since I only got you peeps sweets. Taught erika how to use one of those hairclippy thingies(you know the super thin black ones) while waiting for the 2LW to change. lugged around 2 plastic bags(well not actually thanks to erika)...went out with ethel, erika and perry to eat. Had some fruit cocktail thingie. Went to pay toys 'r' us a looksie looksie....perry insisted we watch 'barney'. my gf left and somehow the conversation led to us going to erika's house. so went there...hung out at her house a little while...then went to the park. darling was just being really lethargic...okay, tired so left and then took bus to bishan and then toa payoh and to papa's office. Came home, bathed...watched 'KA' again and then the 'heavenly sword and dragon sabre' show. Felt sooooooo good to be lazing I'm startin' to think that's bad.
church...well it was fun...chatted with dennis a little and the had class...then auditions...the woman just didn't get that I couldn't remember any pieces...kept askin' me to play somethin'. Didn't have to audition for dance as we were a apparently in O.o. Daddy fetched me and then went with mummy to this 'study in US' exhibition thingamajig. Kept talkin' about credits and units and what not, bottom line...I didn't understand. Later on, found out it was gonna be super-di-duper hard ( and I mean DAMN hard ) for me to do medicine since I ain't a citizen there(long story) so got into a little quarrel with mummy, cos she asked me to go take something else...and I so happened to NOT have any interest in ANYTHING else right now. Left to go meet erika...had a hard time gettin' outta suntec.
Mood was better as we went shopping...I mean...for the first time in my life I had an AIM as to what I wanted to buy... and I must say we actually finished doing it pretty fast for us. Although we DID keep walking in the same bloody stores more than once...and starring and turning that stupid box on the shelf...the woman there must have been DAMN frustrated with us just seeing us shop. sat down at coffee bean for a nice mocha ice-blend and a slice of cake, courtesy of erika. Had a nice chat and then decided to head on home. Came home...lazed around a bit more (I'm gonna miss doing this)...and then watched chinese show and then went to eat...iron uniform and then to sleep.
sec 4 farewell...thanks to plc 04/ was a job well done...much appreciated...the party was aiight. esp with natasha just being herself and Nic m being high, and when I say high I mean HIGH...on strawbwerries (can you believe this girl?!?!?) and thanks to erika, she got cake on me...I don't care what the story is. Got tonnes of gifts, thanks to you all...since I only got you peeps sweets. Taught erika how to use one of those hairclippy thingies(you know the super thin black ones) while waiting for the 2LW to change. lugged around 2 plastic bags(well not actually thanks to erika)...went out with ethel, erika and perry to eat. Had some fruit cocktail thingie. Went to pay toys 'r' us a looksie looksie....perry insisted we watch 'barney'. my gf left and somehow the conversation led to us going to erika's house. so went there...hung out at her house a little while...then went to the park. darling was just being really lethargic...okay, tired so left and then took bus to bishan and then toa payoh and to papa's office. Came home, bathed...watched 'KA' again and then the 'heavenly sword and dragon sabre' show. Felt sooooooo good to be lazing I'm startin' to think that's bad.
church...well it was fun...chatted with dennis a little and the had class...then auditions...the woman just didn't get that I couldn't remember any pieces...kept askin' me to play somethin'. Didn't have to audition for dance as we were a apparently in O.o. Daddy fetched me and then went with mummy to this 'study in US' exhibition thingamajig. Kept talkin' about credits and units and what not, bottom line...I didn't understand. Later on, found out it was gonna be super-di-duper hard ( and I mean DAMN hard ) for me to do medicine since I ain't a citizen there(long story) so got into a little quarrel with mummy, cos she asked me to go take something else...and I so happened to NOT have any interest in ANYTHING else right now. Left to go meet erika...had a hard time gettin' outta suntec.
Mood was better as we went shopping...I mean...for the first time in my life I had an AIM as to what I wanted to buy... and I must say we actually finished doing it pretty fast for us. Although we DID keep walking in the same bloody stores more than once...and starring and turning that stupid box on the shelf...the woman there must have been DAMN frustrated with us just seeing us shop. sat down at coffee bean for a nice mocha ice-blend and a slice of cake, courtesy of erika. Had a nice chat and then decided to head on home. Came home...lazed around a bit more (I'm gonna miss doing this)...and then watched chinese show and then went to eat...iron uniform and then to sleep.
Friday, September 24, 2004
OH YEAH!! Say it with me....IT'S OVER!!! Say it again!!! HAHA!! You have NO idea how good I'm feelin' right now. After staying away for a 2 weeks...WOW!!'s Emath...was the highlight...nobody studied...I mean WTH...yesterday exams were officially over...haha. Anyway after paper, went with alex and janice to cine and watched 'dodgeball'. The show was feckin' hilarious...was like laughin' so much. Ben stiller is phenomenol. Met Hazel, RW and RH there...found out they were watchin' too. Met dennis there too, lucky ass not doing Os. Walked around a bit...then ended up at borders...looked at books, CDs. I want so many CDs now. lemme list,
- honey soundtrack...great danceable music
- troy....the woman is just so haunting...I LOVE sorta makes you go into a trance enjoying it.
- the new R&B collection
- the OC: mix 1
don't know which one to use. well...gonna watch tonnes of vcds today, pig-out, slack, do whatever I will not be able to do in the next 2 months. Tomorrow will be good...except that now I have to go iron my guides U...but will go out...and watch my 'heavenly sword and dragon sabre' and will once again start studying...but we shall now focus on today and I will do what my mother calls 'time-wasting'.
- honey soundtrack...great danceable music
- troy....the woman is just so haunting...I LOVE sorta makes you go into a trance enjoying it.
- the new R&B collection
- the OC: mix 1
don't know which one to use. well...gonna watch tonnes of vcds today, pig-out, slack, do whatever I will not be able to do in the next 2 months. Tomorrow will be good...except that now I have to go iron my guides U...but will go out...and watch my 'heavenly sword and dragon sabre' and will once again start studying...but we shall now focus on today and I will do what my mother calls 'time-wasting'.
Friday, September 10, 2004
got up damn early...went for chem...met erika, eunice and yvonne. chem was aiight, sat with erika...the crowd was rather rowdy. After chem...decided to go novena. met my darling at the bus-stop, so decided to go together. 10 am at novena...not a lot of things wandered around ALL the floors. erika went off for tuition at 11 and my darling and I headed to J8 to look for her confi clothes. Saw some nice stuff...she liked the espirit shirt we saw. bought gummies and had lunch. Had fun eating her char siew. Wandered a bit more then went home. Paul cancelled so, watched charmed...I swear, the more I watch that show...the cuter drew fuller(Chris Perry) turns out to be. Didn't feel well, so went to sleep early.
was bored so decided to post the doodles erika did on my chem book...

doodles...courtesy of erika
Got up at 7am...did a bit of chem QA, had bf with mummy. then left the house to meet erika and my darling. Ethel and I managed to convince erika NOT to watch anaconda...and she didn't want to watch 'Garfield' and since ethel and I couldn't watch 'Man on Fire', we settled for 'Raising Helen' at cine. heartwarming...I liked it...but not that great. had lunch at KFC in taka...where a certain man eating leftovers was making me feel uncomfy and erika was trying out gross things with her food. Walked around trying to find something for my darling to wear for confi. we walked a lot and she finally settled for a very nice skirt from daniel yam...which erika and I had to convince her looked nice with the espirit shirt. Hope she finds some nice shoes to go along with it. went to daddy's office later...and throughout the whole seemed like the whole world decided to wear pink, like the whole world made a date to wear pink or something. so strange. went home for tuition...was productive, somehow we were moving really fast. watched apprentice and then did work until 2 and went to sleep.
I ab-so-lute-ly loved today...I mean was good...THANK YOU to the 2 of you...I needed this...haha
daddy woke me up and then had cereal...I picked the correct milk...I DISLIKE the other one. watch some wcs with guin and then went to daddy's office (AGAIN!!!). To make up for yesterday's was mugging. Amath and was NO joyride...Amath irritated me and chem was just plain boring...and the headache DID NOT help. came home, and now I am here. Should be going to eat now.
gf: I MISS YOU!!!
darling: Sorry can't come for your confi thingie...hope it all goes well =)
got up damn early...went for chem...met erika, eunice and yvonne. chem was aiight, sat with erika...the crowd was rather rowdy. After chem...decided to go novena. met my darling at the bus-stop, so decided to go together. 10 am at novena...not a lot of things wandered around ALL the floors. erika went off for tuition at 11 and my darling and I headed to J8 to look for her confi clothes. Saw some nice stuff...she liked the espirit shirt we saw. bought gummies and had lunch. Had fun eating her char siew. Wandered a bit more then went home. Paul cancelled so, watched charmed...I swear, the more I watch that show...the cuter drew fuller(Chris Perry) turns out to be. Didn't feel well, so went to sleep early.
was bored so decided to post the doodles erika did on my chem book...

doodles...courtesy of erika

Got up at 7am...did a bit of chem QA, had bf with mummy. then left the house to meet erika and my darling. Ethel and I managed to convince erika NOT to watch anaconda...and she didn't want to watch 'Garfield' and since ethel and I couldn't watch 'Man on Fire', we settled for 'Raising Helen' at cine. heartwarming...I liked it...but not that great. had lunch at KFC in taka...where a certain man eating leftovers was making me feel uncomfy and erika was trying out gross things with her food. Walked around trying to find something for my darling to wear for confi. we walked a lot and she finally settled for a very nice skirt from daniel yam...which erika and I had to convince her looked nice with the espirit shirt. Hope she finds some nice shoes to go along with it. went to daddy's office later...and throughout the whole seemed like the whole world decided to wear pink, like the whole world made a date to wear pink or something. so strange. went home for tuition...was productive, somehow we were moving really fast. watched apprentice and then did work until 2 and went to sleep.
I ab-so-lute-ly loved today...I mean was good...THANK YOU to the 2 of you...I needed this...haha
daddy woke me up and then had cereal...I picked the correct milk...I DISLIKE the other one. watch some wcs with guin and then went to daddy's office (AGAIN!!!). To make up for yesterday's was mugging. Amath and was NO joyride...Amath irritated me and chem was just plain boring...and the headache DID NOT help. came home, and now I am here. Should be going to eat now.
gf: I MISS YOU!!!
darling: Sorry can't come for your confi thingie...hope it all goes well =)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I'm sure
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around
Things are always easier on daddy's comp. well just came back from amath 2 hours ago...needless to was BAD!! The worse of my panic attacks ever...yes I have panic attacks, not funny. okay, laugh of you wish. haha....anyway...I woke up this morning, and mucked around for a while...lazing around. then went for lunch, and daddy sent me to school for amath. after amath went to get my chem QA notes and then decided to head to fairprice...for shopping with alex. Managed to get everything 'cept her double know I had NO idea GROCERY shopping could be this fun, haha. bought a nice hot dog bun for daddy and now I am here. shall go start on amath and then chem and if, which I haven't touched and get ready for chem class tomorrow at 8am.
gf: I know this was not the kind of shopping you had in mind for...I KNOW....haha...I know what kind of shopping I need and I will go do it...soon.
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around
Things are always easier on daddy's comp. well just came back from amath 2 hours ago...needless to was BAD!! The worse of my panic attacks ever...yes I have panic attacks, not funny. okay, laugh of you wish. haha....anyway...I woke up this morning, and mucked around for a while...lazing around. then went for lunch, and daddy sent me to school for amath. after amath went to get my chem QA notes and then decided to head to fairprice...for shopping with alex. Managed to get everything 'cept her double know I had NO idea GROCERY shopping could be this fun, haha. bought a nice hot dog bun for daddy and now I am here. shall go start on amath and then chem and if, which I haven't touched and get ready for chem class tomorrow at 8am.
gf: I know this was not the kind of shopping you had in mind for...I KNOW....haha...I know what kind of shopping I need and I will go do it...soon.
Monday, September 06, 2004
everybody has the same dream
a dream in their heart
give a chance to make it right
love somebody they want
open your eyes we're all the same
we've all been scared
so lets sing together now
nah nah nah nah
in this universal prayer
it's very cold now...brrr...anyway shall vent a little, I promise, only a LITTLE. I dragged myself out of bed for a 9am math class only to find out that it was postponed to 2PM!!! I came at 8.50 to find only xier there...and then mich w came...only to receive a msg then informing us. were quite pissed about decided to got to janice's house to pay her a surprise visit for her birthday. were there for awhile then went off for lunch and then tuition. just the usual gang...and I finished ALL my work...haha!!! well, except for the compo...but she forgot about it so good. did corrections and then brainstormed for a compo again...then headed on home and now I am here will go do some math and chem later on. I think will be going to thomson plaza to do glasses...PLEASE mummy get me contacts....and I hope tomorro's math class will stay at its fixed time slot.
a dream in their heart
give a chance to make it right
love somebody they want
open your eyes we're all the same
we've all been scared
so lets sing together now
nah nah nah nah
in this universal prayer
it's very cold now...brrr...anyway shall vent a little, I promise, only a LITTLE. I dragged myself out of bed for a 9am math class only to find out that it was postponed to 2PM!!! I came at 8.50 to find only xier there...and then mich w came...only to receive a msg then informing us. were quite pissed about decided to got to janice's house to pay her a surprise visit for her birthday. were there for awhile then went off for lunch and then tuition. just the usual gang...and I finished ALL my work...haha!!! well, except for the compo...but she forgot about it so good. did corrections and then brainstormed for a compo again...then headed on home and now I am here will go do some math and chem later on. I think will be going to thomson plaza to do glasses...PLEASE mummy get me contacts....and I hope tomorro's math class will stay at its fixed time slot.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
I can hardly wait
To do my dance to wave my hand
Hear my jam you can count me in
I wish tonight would never end...
I have to go on hiatus soon...I mean prelims are here...okay will do that after Sep hols. well, today woke up damn to church really early like 20mins...was really empty so sat there and stoned for awhile. after, went to eat lunch...had shui gao mian and some yu seng...very nice. then headed home...did some amath...then napped for awhile...did some chem QA or is it VA...oh fuck that, sisters have gone to coffee bean for some pure choc. Jin lao shi called and so I remember the papers I have not finished, make that 3 papers, and a compo...oh boy. I shall just complete the papers. I am so screwed. pop-ups are irritating meright now, I need a pop-up stopper...suggestions people? random thought, trying to find some new music and the damn site does not seem to have anything, or maybe it's because all the good songs are not coming to me now. I shall just be happy I changed my layout...hopefully this one'll last for a while, until I find a nicer one that is.
To do my dance to wave my hand
Hear my jam you can count me in
I wish tonight would never end...
I have to go on hiatus soon...I mean prelims are here...okay will do that after Sep hols. well, today woke up damn to church really early like 20mins...was really empty so sat there and stoned for awhile. after, went to eat lunch...had shui gao mian and some yu seng...very nice. then headed home...did some amath...then napped for awhile...did some chem QA or is it VA...oh fuck that, sisters have gone to coffee bean for some pure choc. Jin lao shi called and so I remember the papers I have not finished, make that 3 papers, and a compo...oh boy. I shall just complete the papers. I am so screwed. pop-ups are irritating meright now, I need a pop-up stopper...suggestions people? random thought, trying to find some new music and the damn site does not seem to have anything, or maybe it's because all the good songs are not coming to me now. I shall just be happy I changed my layout...hopefully this one'll last for a while, until I find a nicer one that is.
Friday, September 03, 2004
physics...I have mixed feelings about it...however...had a nice day with daddy. especially yesterday's bak kut teh...I finally got a taste of it...yes, laugh...poor gen has never (or at least she thinks she hasn't) eaten bak kut teh. I am a know, yellow on the outside and white on the inside....never mind. Found this nice passage...what with all the Athens Olympics having just concluded...I like it.
"If you could have the arms of Hercules,
legs as swift as the wind.
If you could leap shoulder high above the rim,
have the kick of a dolphin,
the flexes of a cat.
If you could have all these,
you would have the body,
you would have the tools.
But you would not know greatness until you understand
that the strongest muscleis the heart."
To me that is the soul of the Olympic Games
-Andrea Bocelli
"If you could have the arms of Hercules,
legs as swift as the wind.
If you could leap shoulder high above the rim,
have the kick of a dolphin,
the flexes of a cat.
If you could have all these,
you would have the body,
you would have the tools.
But you would not know greatness until you understand
that the strongest muscleis the heart."
To me that is the soul of the Olympic Games
-Andrea Bocelli
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
bored out of my mind...I used to like indices and surd....I used to like logarithms...not anymore. don't want to study bio...phyiscs on friday. Freaked...not feeling ready...and since when are you ready for physics gen?!?! 3 down 12 to go...12!??! really 12!??! OMG....I'm screwed...wave byebye to the handphone gen....bye. I'm feeling cold...yes it is a lazy tuesday...
Friday, August 27, 2004
okay...this is cool I can change fonts on daddy's comp...hmmmm. I still don't know how wingdings works and I can change colours easily lovely.
enough with behaviour. In the morn, bio prac...saw redhouse dancing in the hall while waiting...was good, I like the steps...and on to prac. The only thing fun....was the burning of the biscuit, and the irritating thing was the stupid gas...I mean how to suck up the damn gas with that lousy irritating and the pea...okay I got the drawing right, but I freaked out when I saw the damn pea sitting in that petri dish.
lunch, to thomson plaza we went. meaning janice, ry and me. watched rg for a while at the kopitiam and then went to swensens for ice-cream. I seem to miss all the good things in so happens the offer for the 5 -scoop ice-cream ended yesterday, so we had to make do with one banana split. I swear we looked like a buncha losers.
came back for amath, I dislike relative velocity, which I am feeling VERY VEXED about. started out okay...then we started out on intercept....then I totally lost it. I just couldn't do any sum, I think I irritated ry...i just happen to do that when I can't do stuff. I really hope I don't have to go to extreme measures as to give up the topic. I really wanna cry. *sigh* anyway, wanted to stay for night study, but due to guin and her wonderful ghost storytelling, mummy has not allowed me to go. so I shall study SS tonight and Amath.
but I am happy about ONE thing....
enough with behaviour. In the morn, bio prac...saw redhouse dancing in the hall while waiting...was good, I like the steps...and on to prac. The only thing fun....was the burning of the biscuit, and the irritating thing was the stupid gas...I mean how to suck up the damn gas with that lousy irritating and the pea...okay I got the drawing right, but I freaked out when I saw the damn pea sitting in that petri dish.
lunch, to thomson plaza we went. meaning janice, ry and me. watched rg for a while at the kopitiam and then went to swensens for ice-cream. I seem to miss all the good things in so happens the offer for the 5 -scoop ice-cream ended yesterday, so we had to make do with one banana split. I swear we looked like a buncha losers.
came back for amath, I dislike relative velocity, which I am feeling VERY VEXED about. started out okay...then we started out on intercept....then I totally lost it. I just couldn't do any sum, I think I irritated ry...i just happen to do that when I can't do stuff. I really hope I don't have to go to extreme measures as to give up the topic. I really wanna cry. *sigh* anyway, wanted to stay for night study, but due to guin and her wonderful ghost storytelling, mummy has not allowed me to go. so I shall study SS tonight and Amath.
but I am happy about ONE thing....
Monday, August 23, 2004
haven't blogged in a while...been busy studying...yes believe it or not reader studying!! anyway..not nightstudying tonight...will go tomorrow. today was okay...physics prac was fine, english was th tan didn't come in for amath, but he brought us jellybeans. YUM! mr teh came in for emath and then after that went for tuition and laoshi's. was quite fun there...just the usual crowd. came home, washed some clothes, did chem and I should be getting to cook dinner.
pingpong...yes...lee jiawei...that was sad, but a good effort, respect her for that. though I think she was still feeling the after effects of her other match. anyways...fine game.
You're so beautiful tonight anything is possible
But ya know I just can't get enough
Of your love… so give it up
Got my eyes on you
Won't you bring that back to me
Got my eyes on you
Ya know where I'm gonna be
Got my eyes on you
And I see you checkin' me
Got my eyes on you
And I like what I see
Hold on...
Hold on...
You can tell anyone about it
Show it off no need to hide it
Come and get a little excited
Excited over here
Don't stop baby no don't stop
I know you really like it when you're on top
Don't be shy just give it up
C'mon girl
pingpong...yes...lee jiawei...that was sad, but a good effort, respect her for that. though I think she was still feeling the after effects of her other match. anyways...fine game.
You're so beautiful tonight anything is possible
But ya know I just can't get enough
Of your love… so give it up
Got my eyes on you
Won't you bring that back to me
Got my eyes on you
Ya know where I'm gonna be
Got my eyes on you
And I see you checkin' me
Got my eyes on you
And I like what I see
Hold on...
Hold on...
You can tell anyone about it
Show it off no need to hide it
Come and get a little excited
Excited over here
Don't stop baby no don't stop
I know you really like it when you're on top
Don't be shy just give it up
C'mon girl
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Friday, August 13, 2004
celery smells good.
NYP talk-the parting of the red sea...
chem...I feel guilty
SS...a peeved off mrs siow is NOT good
EM test...or rather "test"
Amath...majority of the students 'blahblahblah'
portugal lost to iraq...THAT is CRAP!!! WTH!!!
I think someone knows why...
NYP talk-the parting of the red sea...
chem...I feel guilty
SS...a peeved off mrs siow is NOT good
EM test...or rather "test"
Amath...majority of the students 'blahblahblah'
portugal lost to iraq...THAT is CRAP!!! WTH!!!
I think someone knows why...
Thursday, August 12, 2004
chinese results...we shall just say that I didn't get what I wanted...but of course it IS what I got. so I shall accept it. Congrats to all those who did well...esp alex, I mean you worked hard and hence the fruits of your labour. You deserve it. YAY!!! the people who did not do so well...we shall try again and reach for greater heights...meaning aim for a higher mark. yes.
ahem...just wanna say a big thank you to those of you this morning. yiling, michelle L, glenda, sarah, nat, van, 'manda, erika, jessika, charmaine L, charmo, sheryl and althea as well...THANK YOU!!! if I forgot any of you...I was rather disoriented...but yes, I greatly appreciate it.
ahem...just wanna say a big thank you to those of you this morning. yiling, michelle L, glenda, sarah, nat, van, 'manda, erika, jessika, charmaine L, charmo, sheryl and althea as well...THANK YOU!!! if I forgot any of you...I was rather disoriented...but yes, I greatly appreciate it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Tell Me Tell Me
The Words To Define
The Way I Fell About Someone So Fine
How Do You Talk To An Angel
How Do You Hold Her Close To Where You Are
How Do You Talk To An Angel
It's Like Trying To Catch A Falling Star
today happened really fast.
chinese...pep talk session...was pretty serious.
physics...prac test...didn't go too well. Didn't finish it, as in REALLY didn't finish it. all because had to set up the damn circuit and I had to go to look at hers. just drawing it would have saved me more time.
PE. soccer education. I finally understand what is the meaning of offside...the rest were quite basic. penalties, kicks...blahblah.
AM...omg...I CAN do vectors...yesyesyes. reading...ugh...but scored pretty s'not so bad.
skipped assembly to practise oral...SAJC don't interest me.
oral...I think I did fine...there were a few screw ups...but I would say it was fine. I will hope for the best, and as for chinese...if I don't do well...I guess...I'll just cry and get over it if I don't get what I want and re-take or choose another subject for L1R5. I will not deny that i am worried...panicking....
The Words To Define
The Way I Fell About Someone So Fine
How Do You Talk To An Angel
How Do You Hold Her Close To Where You Are
How Do You Talk To An Angel
It's Like Trying To Catch A Falling Star
today happened really fast.
chinese...pep talk session...was pretty serious.
physics...prac test...didn't go too well. Didn't finish it, as in REALLY didn't finish it. all because had to set up the damn circuit and I had to go to look at hers. just drawing it would have saved me more time.
PE. soccer education. I finally understand what is the meaning of offside...the rest were quite basic. penalties, kicks...blahblah.
AM...omg...I CAN do vectors...yesyesyes. reading...ugh...but scored pretty s'not so bad.
skipped assembly to practise oral...SAJC don't interest me.
oral...I think I did fine...there were a few screw ups...but I would say it was fine. I will hope for the best, and as for chinese...if I don't do well...I guess...I'll just cry and get over it if I don't get what I want and re-take or choose another subject for L1R5. I will not deny that i am worried...panicking....
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
friday...aunties came down...saturday went to cut my hair at JB and I like it...guin has taken to calling me 'erika' as she claims I look like erika. had dinner there too...the whisky or XO noodle was fun...went shopping at a terribly crowded giant. BLEAH! sunday...nothing much...just stayed home and studied then had steamboat at night...yumyum to make up for dimsum. monday..aunties went home.
well today was fun...I am officially back in my own room, on my own bed...I feel weird...cos there's no school today and I went to the airport to catch the scotland people...and see my darling and gf.
I left the house at 1.30 with the chocs and I got there 15mins late...I must have changed line a record number of times today or something...6 times in total.
met erika's mum and grandparents...nice people and waited 3 million years for the peeps to arrive. 'manda came out first...and told me about an OB poster she saw...and that dina bought a johnny depp poster...then felicia and jianghan, who seemed to be able to do nothing but stare at me..she didn't even wave too. nic m was like mixing with her family and didn't notive erika and I till she was about to leave. then came the 2LW gave them the chocs and wanted to go for tea with them...but they had to go home to sleep...and get a good me and erika left.
The train ride...erika would agree with me. ist back and enjoy the stupidity you are about to experience reader...and please...feel free to laugh. first of all...when we got to the airports station...
we were facing the wrong way...the train was coming up behind us...but wait...don't laugh just yet...this is just and appetizer. we sat in the train...talked and then it stopped at tanah merah...for a LOOONG time. erika said "the train stop for very long ar?" ( or something to that extent)then the doors closed. and the train started travelling in back the way we came. needless to say we were quite shocked...then I realised that we were supposed to transfer to another train. so we took the train BACK to changi airport...remained in the train and travelled BACK to tanah merah...where we REMEMBERED to transfer...and sat 11 stops to city hall. erika was just laffing and laffing at our our stupidity on the train. got off at somerset and took 77 home and as I expected I got home at 5.30pm. had fun laughing...if you did...shut up....NOW.
well today was fun...I am officially back in my own room, on my own bed...I feel weird...cos there's no school today and I went to the airport to catch the scotland people...and see my darling and gf.
I left the house at 1.30 with the chocs and I got there 15mins late...I must have changed line a record number of times today or something...6 times in total.
met erika's mum and grandparents...nice people and waited 3 million years for the peeps to arrive. 'manda came out first...and told me about an OB poster she saw...and that dina bought a johnny depp poster...then felicia and jianghan, who seemed to be able to do nothing but stare at me..she didn't even wave too. nic m was like mixing with her family and didn't notive erika and I till she was about to leave. then came the 2LW gave them the chocs and wanted to go for tea with them...but they had to go home to sleep...and get a good me and erika left.
The train ride...erika would agree with me. ist back and enjoy the stupidity you are about to experience reader...and please...feel free to laugh. first of all...when we got to the airports station...
we were facing the wrong way...the train was coming up behind us...but wait...don't laugh just yet...this is just and appetizer. we sat in the train...talked and then it stopped at tanah merah...for a LOOONG time. erika said "the train stop for very long ar?" ( or something to that extent)then the doors closed. and the train started travelling in back the way we came. needless to say we were quite shocked...then I realised that we were supposed to transfer to another train. so we took the train BACK to changi airport...remained in the train and travelled BACK to tanah merah...where we REMEMBERED to transfer...and sat 11 stops to city hall. erika was just laffing and laffing at our our stupidity on the train. got off at somerset and took 77 home and as I expected I got home at 5.30pm. had fun laughing...if you did...shut up....NOW.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
I wasn't supposed to blog today....BUT I couldn't resist it off of jeanette's blog =)
[ .01. ] first name: genevieve
[ .02. ] middle name: a blank
[ .03. ] last name: sew (pronunced 'siew')
[ .04. ] nickname: gen, DEAR DEER D-E-A-R D-E-E-R, anymore you can think off?
[ .05. ] gender: female
[ .06. ] age: 15...16 next month
[ .07. ] birthday: 30 september 1988, 8.01am I believe
[ .08. ] height: 161cm...yes laugh at my vertically challengedness...sick bastard
[ .09. ] hair color: dark brown
[ .10. ] eye color: dark brown
[ .11. ] race: chinese
[ .12. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: glasses and I STILL want those contacts
[ .15. ] where were you born: in a hospital, like most people I believe
[ .16. ] current location: on earth, in singapore, in my house, upstairs, in a chair in front of my comp.
[ .17. ] zodiac sign: libra, the scales
[ .18. ] how many languages do u know: specifically? as in know KNOW? 2...but I do know a bit of malay, german, elvish, cantonese...yeah..I think that's about it
[ .19. ] nationality: malaysian
[ .20. ] bad habits: speaking too fast, short-tempered, being tactless....there's just too many.
[ .21. ] piercings you have: none
[ .22. ] piercings you want: belly
[ .23. ] tattoos you have: zero
[ .24. ] tattoos you want: as above
[ .25. ] today's date: 7th august
[ .26. ] the time: 8.34...maybe the questions could get a little MORE meaningful...
[ .27. ] ready for more questions?: bring it on
[ .43. ] are you still in school: um...yes...purgatory they call it
[ .44. ] did you drop out: I believe the answer to the above question explains it all
[ .45. ] current GPA, or last GPA: grade point average? edu system don't work like that here at least for now
[ .46. ] favorite grade: um...lemme see...6th grade...maybe 10th too. translation P6 and sec 4
[ .47. ] least favorite grade: um..perhaps 8th...sec 2
[ .48. ] favorite teacher: teachers are teachers...
[ .49. ] least favorite teacher: don't really have one...although there are those who can't teach
[ .50. ] favorite subjects: english, chem, bio and geog and maybe amath
[ .51. ] least favorite subject: chinese...physics...SS
[ .52. ] do you buy lunch or bring it: buy
[ .53. ] play any sports on the school's team: SYF dance...that counts I suppose...IT DOES! SHUT UP!
[ .54. ] do you do any extracurricular activities: yes...I believe you are supposed to.
[ .55. ] are you popular: what..are you stupid?
[ .56. ] favourite dance: to watch ballet though
[ .57. ] least favorite dance: maybe contemporary...not my taste i suppose
[ .58. ] favorite memory: DON'T ask quesions like is virtually...practically...technically IMPOSSIBLE to think of one right now
[ .59. ] least favorite memory: I will repeat "DON'T ask quesions like is virtually...practically...technically IMPOSSIBLE to think of one right now"
[ .60. ] most humiliating moment: can't think right now...I said.
[ .61. ] number: 7
[ .62. ] clothing brand: nike, adidas, quicksilver, OP...blahblah so many
[ .63. ] shoes: converse, nike, adidas. I WANT SNEAKERS!!
[ .64. ] saying(s): retard...moron...
[ .65. ] TV Show: what can I say I watch lots. the OC, simpsons, 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter, friends...etc.
[ .66. ] sport: hands down...dancing
[ .67. ] vegetables: broccoli...actually I pretty alroight with MOST vegetables
[ .68. ] fruit: apples, oranges, tomatoes, pear, bananas...I won't be carrying on this list any further, it's just meaningless.
[ .69. ] movie: now...none really...haven't seen one for awhile
[ .70. ] magazine: i just look at the ones that go around that would be...8days...lime?
[ .71. ] actor: um...lemme see, eric bana, orlando bloom, johnny depp are good and benjamin mckenzie, adam brody, peter gallagher, matt le blanc, tom felton...they're not bad.
[ .72. ] actress: keira I only like her for her damn abs...SHUT UP!
[ .73. ] candy: anything that's sweet and makes me want more
[ .74. ] gum: talkin' about brand? don't have any...s'long as I can blow bubbles with it...who the fuck cares about the brand.
[ .75. ] scent: scents
[ .76. ] choc bar: chocolate is chocolate. s'long as it's creamy, milky, tastes good and makes me feel good while eating it...I'm def. on the right track
[ .77. ] ice cream flavour: anything with the word 'chocolate', orange and lime sherbert
[ .78. ] colour:
[ .79. ] seasons: I only like one and it don't happen here...actually nothing much happens here...anyway..the answer is winter
[ .80. ] holidays: as of this year I shall cherish the november and december hols
[ .81. ] bands: don't really like bands...I just like songs
[ .82. ] singer: nope...not right now
[ .83. ] group: can someone tell me...WHAT is the difference btwn a band and group? I believe they are the same thing...are they not?
[ .84. ] rappers: okay..usher wins this one
[ .85. ] types of music: pop, classical, hip-hop, R&B
[ .86. ] things in your room: you're just asking for it ain't you...
[ .87. ] place to be in: I would like to be in a dance studio which has tonnes of danceable music
[ .88. ] radio station: Power 98
[ .89. ] tv channel: there's only so many you can choose from here...s'not like I have SCV like SOME people
[ .90. ] junk food: not much of it in my when I get some...I savour it, whatever it is
[ .91. ] overall food: what the HELL is overall is you have to rip it up into so many categories!?!?
[ .92. ] store: um...anyone that I can get what I wnat from it when I want something...did that make sense?
[ .94. ] fast food: fast food all the same...they come fast and they're fattening
[ .95. ] restaurant: don't go to many nowadays...right now i crave dimsum...monday...mmmmmm
[ .96. ] shape: depends...whatcha want it for...nvrm...pretend I did not say that
[ .97. ] song: right now...I've got a cd with 22 songs that I like, NOW you see the dilemma I'm in?
[ .98. ] person you hate most: um...I don't hate
[ .99. ] coolest person you know : I know a lot of people...yes I sure do...
[ .01. ] first name: genevieve
[ .02. ] middle name: a blank
[ .03. ] last name: sew (pronunced 'siew')
[ .04. ] nickname: gen, DEAR DEER D-E-A-R D-E-E-R, anymore you can think off?
[ .05. ] gender: female
[ .06. ] age: 15...16 next month
[ .07. ] birthday: 30 september 1988, 8.01am I believe
[ .08. ] height: 161cm...yes laugh at my vertically challengedness...sick bastard
[ .09. ] hair color: dark brown
[ .10. ] eye color: dark brown
[ .11. ] race: chinese
[ .12. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: glasses and I STILL want those contacts
[ .15. ] where were you born: in a hospital, like most people I believe
[ .16. ] current location: on earth, in singapore, in my house, upstairs, in a chair in front of my comp.
[ .17. ] zodiac sign: libra, the scales
[ .18. ] how many languages do u know: specifically? as in know KNOW? 2...but I do know a bit of malay, german, elvish, cantonese...yeah..I think that's about it
[ .19. ] nationality: malaysian
[ .20. ] bad habits: speaking too fast, short-tempered, being tactless....there's just too many.
[ .21. ] piercings you have: none
[ .22. ] piercings you want: belly
[ .23. ] tattoos you have: zero
[ .24. ] tattoos you want: as above
[ .25. ] today's date: 7th august
[ .26. ] the time: 8.34...maybe the questions could get a little MORE meaningful...
[ .27. ] ready for more questions?: bring it on
[ .43. ] are you still in school: um...yes...purgatory they call it
[ .44. ] did you drop out: I believe the answer to the above question explains it all
[ .45. ] current GPA, or last GPA: grade point average? edu system don't work like that here at least for now
[ .46. ] favorite grade: um...lemme see...6th grade...maybe 10th too. translation P6 and sec 4
[ .47. ] least favorite grade: um..perhaps 8th...sec 2
[ .48. ] favorite teacher: teachers are teachers...
[ .49. ] least favorite teacher: don't really have one...although there are those who can't teach
[ .50. ] favorite subjects: english, chem, bio and geog and maybe amath
[ .51. ] least favorite subject: chinese...physics...SS
[ .52. ] do you buy lunch or bring it: buy
[ .53. ] play any sports on the school's team: SYF dance...that counts I suppose...IT DOES! SHUT UP!
[ .54. ] do you do any extracurricular activities: yes...I believe you are supposed to.
[ .55. ] are you popular: what..are you stupid?
[ .56. ] favourite dance: to watch ballet though
[ .57. ] least favorite dance: maybe contemporary...not my taste i suppose
[ .58. ] favorite memory: DON'T ask quesions like is virtually...practically...technically IMPOSSIBLE to think of one right now
[ .59. ] least favorite memory: I will repeat "DON'T ask quesions like is virtually...practically...technically IMPOSSIBLE to think of one right now"
[ .60. ] most humiliating moment: can't think right now...I said.
[ .61. ] number: 7
[ .62. ] clothing brand: nike, adidas, quicksilver, OP...blahblah so many
[ .63. ] shoes: converse, nike, adidas. I WANT SNEAKERS!!
[ .64. ] saying(s): retard...moron...
[ .65. ] TV Show: what can I say I watch lots. the OC, simpsons, 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter, friends...etc.
[ .66. ] sport: hands down...dancing
[ .67. ] vegetables: broccoli...actually I pretty alroight with MOST vegetables
[ .68. ] fruit: apples, oranges, tomatoes, pear, bananas...I won't be carrying on this list any further, it's just meaningless.
[ .69. ] movie: now...none really...haven't seen one for awhile
[ .70. ] magazine: i just look at the ones that go around that would be...8days...lime?
[ .71. ] actor: um...lemme see, eric bana, orlando bloom, johnny depp are good and benjamin mckenzie, adam brody, peter gallagher, matt le blanc, tom felton...they're not bad.
[ .72. ] actress: keira I only like her for her damn abs...SHUT UP!
[ .73. ] candy: anything that's sweet and makes me want more
[ .74. ] gum: talkin' about brand? don't have any...s'long as I can blow bubbles with it...who the fuck cares about the brand.
[ .75. ] scent: scents
[ .76. ] choc bar: chocolate is chocolate. s'long as it's creamy, milky, tastes good and makes me feel good while eating it...I'm def. on the right track
[ .77. ] ice cream flavour: anything with the word 'chocolate', orange and lime sherbert
[ .78. ] colour:
[ .79. ] seasons: I only like one and it don't happen here...actually nothing much happens here...anyway..the answer is winter
[ .80. ] holidays: as of this year I shall cherish the november and december hols
[ .81. ] bands: don't really like bands...I just like songs
[ .82. ] singer: nope...not right now
[ .83. ] group: can someone tell me...WHAT is the difference btwn a band and group? I believe they are the same thing...are they not?
[ .84. ] rappers: okay..usher wins this one
[ .85. ] types of music: pop, classical, hip-hop, R&B
[ .86. ] things in your room: you're just asking for it ain't you...
[ .87. ] place to be in: I would like to be in a dance studio which has tonnes of danceable music
[ .88. ] radio station: Power 98
[ .89. ] tv channel: there's only so many you can choose from here...s'not like I have SCV like SOME people
[ .90. ] junk food: not much of it in my when I get some...I savour it, whatever it is
[ .91. ] overall food: what the HELL is overall is you have to rip it up into so many categories!?!?
[ .92. ] store: um...anyone that I can get what I wnat from it when I want something...did that make sense?
[ .94. ] fast food: fast food all the same...they come fast and they're fattening
[ .95. ] restaurant: don't go to many nowadays...right now i crave dimsum...monday...mmmmmm
[ .96. ] shape: depends...whatcha want it for...nvrm...pretend I did not say that
[ .97. ] song: right now...I've got a cd with 22 songs that I like, NOW you see the dilemma I'm in?
[ .98. ] person you hate most: um...I don't hate
[ .99. ] coolest person you know : I know a lot of people...yes I sure do...
Friday, August 06, 2004
We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
today...national day celebration...went reasonably well. got to school really early because of guin. saw erika talking to rachel binny...talked a bit then left for class. people I knew kept talking about my pink shirt...I mean there were about 2 or 3 people in my class wearing pink why me? anyway...onto other things.
mass was good... the mics were going a bit wonky; screeching, I can't clap, read lyrics and sing at the same time...the father seemed to have almost cried, but he was good...I respect the impression he has on IJ and what he talked about had great meaning. all in all mass was good...props to 4/9 and 4/8 *clapclap*.
the concert...okay the emcees were okay, I mean they weren't THAT lame...but then the emcees always are lame...just depends whether to a small or big extent. Band was good...but guin seemed to be knitting her eyebrows all the she coudn't read the score or a lil' worried there. choir was a repeat from honours day...they did a fabulous job. dance. what can I is always fantastic...and that is true.
went back to more homework from mr tan...took attendance...and then headed home at 10am...I felt weird. I'm not supposed to be going home so early. got home...saw the people cementing my garden...I guess it shoudn't look that bad after it's done...met sam yee...talked to her a bit about today...had lunch and talked to da yee, the how-have-you-been talk. washed my pencil case and now it is WHITE...did a bit of work...but slept most of the way and now I am here...tomorrow is saturday and there's no amath test. what did I say? I said there's NO amath test gen...I can finally watch the toot 'winx' show (if you know what it is...yes, laugh at me...I like to watch fairies prancing arund on TV in strange revealing clothes and did I mention they have nice big eyes...gen stop) .
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
today...national day celebration...went reasonably well. got to school really early because of guin. saw erika talking to rachel binny...talked a bit then left for class. people I knew kept talking about my pink shirt...I mean there were about 2 or 3 people in my class wearing pink why me? anyway...onto other things.
mass was good... the mics were going a bit wonky; screeching, I can't clap, read lyrics and sing at the same time...the father seemed to have almost cried, but he was good...I respect the impression he has on IJ and what he talked about had great meaning. all in all mass was good...props to 4/9 and 4/8 *clapclap*.
the concert...okay the emcees were okay, I mean they weren't THAT lame...but then the emcees always are lame...just depends whether to a small or big extent. Band was good...but guin seemed to be knitting her eyebrows all the she coudn't read the score or a lil' worried there. choir was a repeat from honours day...they did a fabulous job. dance. what can I is always fantastic...and that is true.
went back to more homework from mr tan...took attendance...and then headed home at 10am...I felt weird. I'm not supposed to be going home so early. got home...saw the people cementing my garden...I guess it shoudn't look that bad after it's done...met sam yee...talked to her a bit about today...had lunch and talked to da yee, the how-have-you-been talk. washed my pencil case and now it is WHITE...did a bit of work...but slept most of the way and now I am here...tomorrow is saturday and there's no amath test. what did I say? I said there's NO amath test gen...I can finally watch the toot 'winx' show (if you know what it is...yes, laugh at me...I like to watch fairies prancing arund on TV in strange revealing clothes and did I mention they have nice big eyes...gen stop) .
Thursday, August 05, 2004 is unreliable...there goes my 5 colours in her hair...pass that dutch is fine. was enjoyable. PLR was good...I FINISHED SHADOW PUPPETS!!!! lent it to alex. Played charades during chinese...think 4/9 and 4/1 HCL peeps know this, cos we were just laughing damn loud and cheng wei laoshi had to come over 3 times to tell us to tone down. it sorat died down towards the end and we didn't do anything for the last 15-10 mins. lessons today seemed to pass real fast...I am happy with my chem test...A2, my FIRST A2!!! but I did feel underappreciated there for awhile.
after recess...english...mrs alex read us a story. roald dahl, tales of the unexpected. The Landlady. creepy..esp the landlady who seems a little perverted and slightly mental at the same time. I think I want to read that book...when I finish the 3 books I currently have. EM was boring...I was dozing off and when I woke up...I found they were passing papers down...then i realised it was the math test thingie. It was not until 15mins++ then I realised it wasn't really a test..cos mr teh said we could bring it home to do. (yes...laugh you sick-minded people)
went home with sheryl...was like...insulting each other all the damn way and today she has said "dear deer, d-e-a-r d-e-e-r" a total of 9 doubt that it will increase as the days go by. home was nice...played cd...danced...bathed...worked...felt sick...watched this annoying you? Now I am here and my aunties are coming down tonight and tomorrow I shall look toopid in my red shirt and jeans. was enjoyable. PLR was good...I FINISHED SHADOW PUPPETS!!!! lent it to alex. Played charades during chinese...think 4/9 and 4/1 HCL peeps know this, cos we were just laughing damn loud and cheng wei laoshi had to come over 3 times to tell us to tone down. it sorat died down towards the end and we didn't do anything for the last 15-10 mins. lessons today seemed to pass real fast...I am happy with my chem test...A2, my FIRST A2!!! but I did feel underappreciated there for awhile.
after recess...english...mrs alex read us a story. roald dahl, tales of the unexpected. The Landlady. creepy..esp the landlady who seems a little perverted and slightly mental at the same time. I think I want to read that book...when I finish the 3 books I currently have. EM was boring...I was dozing off and when I woke up...I found they were passing papers down...then i realised it was the math test thingie. It was not until 15mins++ then I realised it wasn't really a test..cos mr teh said we could bring it home to do. (yes...laugh you sick-minded people)
went home with sheryl...was like...insulting each other all the damn way and today she has said "dear deer, d-e-a-r d-e-e-r" a total of 9 doubt that it will increase as the days go by. home was nice...played cd...danced...bathed...worked...felt sick...watched this annoying you? Now I am here and my aunties are coming down tonight and tomorrow I shall look toopid in my red shirt and jeans.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
everybody wants to know her name
how does she cope with her new found fame?
everyone asks me who the hell is she?
that weirdo with 5 colours in her hair
I have changed my music...and it sounds some toopid recording, but I like this song. Physics mock prelim was easy...PE was is good. Geog test was easy...except I think I didn't really answer qns 1. Assembly was oral talk...then chem prac test (take note I wrote the word 'test'). Rate of reaction...not that's good...QA was confusing. all the test for gases didn't say had to resort to the damn limewater test. damn irritating. everybody was like...what did you get...I can't get anything...and all sorts of farni questions and just when I thought I had finished...there was another piece...stupid metals.
left and met chris and nat...sat to talk to them...and then erika came along. got a lift down from her mummy and took the bus home.
Got home...did physics...slept for awhile...and then tuition. For ONCE in my life tuition was fun...I think paul was just out to irritate me and vice it was fun...I HATE vectors.
how does she cope with her new found fame?
everyone asks me who the hell is she?
that weirdo with 5 colours in her hair
I have changed my music...and it sounds some toopid recording, but I like this song. Physics mock prelim was easy...PE was is good. Geog test was easy...except I think I didn't really answer qns 1. Assembly was oral talk...then chem prac test (take note I wrote the word 'test'). Rate of reaction...not that's good...QA was confusing. all the test for gases didn't say had to resort to the damn limewater test. damn irritating. everybody was like...what did you get...I can't get anything...and all sorts of farni questions and just when I thought I had finished...there was another piece...stupid metals.
left and met chris and nat...sat to talk to them...and then erika came along. got a lift down from her mummy and took the bus home.
Got home...did physics...slept for awhile...and then tuition. For ONCE in my life tuition was fun...I think paul was just out to irritate me and vice it was fun...I HATE vectors.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
my template is good right now...I probably messed up some of the stupid codes and I now have music on my blog...thanx to sheryl. today seemed to go on forever(dear reader, feel free to roll your eyes) and as usual i got lost during vectors...but it finally ended. headed home with sheryl first to get my stuff, then we took 156 up to her house. pigged out for a while...listened to some songs...picked some for myself and then burned a cd. went down to go for a swim.
I HAVE to tell you...that super fun. I like it and the hot spring thingie...I like it, a lot. headed back up as we were becoming too much like a rasin. watched a little TV...and headed home. I walked...YES I walked...15mins++. was nice...seeing all the houses, althought the incessant cars seemed to destroy the nice feeling. geog test tomorrow and mock better go and study now and I still need to go prepare dinner.
I HAVE to tell you...that super fun. I like it and the hot spring thingie...I like it, a lot. headed back up as we were becoming too much like a rasin. watched a little TV...and headed home. I walked...YES I walked...15mins++. was nice...seeing all the houses, althought the incessant cars seemed to destroy the nice feeling. geog test tomorrow and mock better go and study now and I still need to go prepare dinner.
Monday, August 02, 2004
somehow the blogger layout is different for my daddy's comp....anyway. I am now scouting for a new skin as this veeeeery nice one has decided to crap up on me...why am I so unlucky as to have ANOTHER one to do this to me!??!? was cold as in COLD...I was freezing, esp during recess and what the HELL did I buy...cold aloe vera and white grape juice, I SWEAR I can be SO stupid sometimes. I should remember to bring a jacket next time. I couldn't seem to focus at the beginning of the day, seeing as it was cold and the weather was perfect for just dozing of in my stupid seat. I like mrs tang today...cola sweets are good...very goooood.
chris had some foot operation...hope she's okay...much love to you chris =)
a lot has happened.
8 more days....I WILL be patient. was cold as in COLD...I was freezing, esp during recess and what the HELL did I buy...cold aloe vera and white grape juice, I SWEAR I can be SO stupid sometimes. I should remember to bring a jacket next time. I couldn't seem to focus at the beginning of the day, seeing as it was cold and the weather was perfect for just dozing of in my stupid seat. I like mrs tang today...cola sweets are good...very goooood.
chris had some foot operation...hope she's okay...much love to you chris =)
a lot has happened.
8 more days....I WILL be patient.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
What do you do to make me feel
So good for so long
Then take it back
And expect me to be alone
I can get cold
But if you're gonna do me wrong
I'll get you back
honours day was aiight, althought there was the matter of the plastic chairs we got. we were literally upgraded (due to the height) but i think some people felt underappreciated. finished quite fast...then went for lunch with erika. There was the matter of deciding where to go and eat, but it was settled rather quickly...we ended up in mos and we talked about names. names...what names are nice, what names look nice...blahblah. it was nice. bought chocs for the scotland people and then headed home. went to dad's office later for a while...did some physics there and then came home and had dinner.
mummy told me to stay home and study cos was going to chijmes for did physics and cut garlic during my break and then studied all the way until lunch. had campbell's soup and two slices of toast...wasn't filling but I was running late.
exam mass....the case of the skirt. I was feeling absolutely uncomfortable in it...I was ALL pink with the exception of my shoes which were SUPER blue. since it was raining...I had to use the umbrella, which happened to be pink *rolls eyes*. In the chapel, I was freezing and it was very drafty. sheryl wasn't helpful...after that walked around a bit...had nice ice-cream and then took 61 home. long bus went all the way to habour front and back to holland...dropped and walked a nice walk back. watched a little TV went to bath...had a nice nap and now I am here. mummy has locked me out of the back so I can't iron my uniform...I am irritated and I fell lazy to do it.
So good for so long
Then take it back
And expect me to be alone
I can get cold
But if you're gonna do me wrong
I'll get you back
honours day was aiight, althought there was the matter of the plastic chairs we got. we were literally upgraded (due to the height) but i think some people felt underappreciated. finished quite fast...then went for lunch with erika. There was the matter of deciding where to go and eat, but it was settled rather quickly...we ended up in mos and we talked about names. names...what names are nice, what names look nice...blahblah. it was nice. bought chocs for the scotland people and then headed home. went to dad's office later for a while...did some physics there and then came home and had dinner.
mummy told me to stay home and study cos was going to chijmes for did physics and cut garlic during my break and then studied all the way until lunch. had campbell's soup and two slices of toast...wasn't filling but I was running late.
exam mass....the case of the skirt. I was feeling absolutely uncomfortable in it...I was ALL pink with the exception of my shoes which were SUPER blue. since it was raining...I had to use the umbrella, which happened to be pink *rolls eyes*. In the chapel, I was freezing and it was very drafty. sheryl wasn't helpful...after that walked around a bit...had nice ice-cream and then took 61 home. long bus went all the way to habour front and back to holland...dropped and walked a nice walk back. watched a little TV went to bath...had a nice nap and now I am here. mummy has locked me out of the back so I can't iron my uniform...I am irritated and I fell lazy to do it.
Friday, July 30, 2004
C'mon C'mon Get off the phone
Please come home
It's been so lonely since you've been gone
you won't surround me up and down me
Be all around me
Baby I can't breathe no more
friday...tomorrow is honours day. I must remember the handshake and to walk properly. today was fun...had math test in the morn cos no bio...I hated the probability. CME was a talk I had no interest in...if I went to poly, my momma would KILL me. english and then recess...ate some rice that was green...and then walked with van and erika to st michs. Walked to the HDB hub.
There we sat for a long time.
I predicted that I would use the wrong hand...and I did...I could not help but swing my hands and walk like a...let's just say I didn't walk properly. I didn't bow in the correct direction either. however I managed to evade TJL watchful gaze....*evil laughter* naomi and erika weren't so lucky. neither was tricia y. TJL said erika looked like a WTH...LOL. sorry didn't mean to laugh. stayed for all the performances...I liked the band and was aiight....gossipgossip
left to go with erika to go to the dentist. got out earlier than expected and wanted to have some shared a mocha ice-blend and bought some bread from 'breadtalk'...had fun mixing bread with mocha and then made our way to orchard. wandered around the levels cos we were early...looking at gaudy jewellery. to dentist and back...talked on the train and I went off. Met regina at the bus bay and now I am supposed to be studying my next chap of physics.It was a fun day, I liked today.
Please come home
It's been so lonely since you've been gone
you won't surround me up and down me
Be all around me
Baby I can't breathe no more
friday...tomorrow is honours day. I must remember the handshake and to walk properly. today was fun...had math test in the morn cos no bio...I hated the probability. CME was a talk I had no interest in...if I went to poly, my momma would KILL me. english and then recess...ate some rice that was green...and then walked with van and erika to st michs. Walked to the HDB hub.
There we sat for a long time.
I predicted that I would use the wrong hand...and I did...I could not help but swing my hands and walk like a...let's just say I didn't walk properly. I didn't bow in the correct direction either. however I managed to evade TJL watchful gaze....*evil laughter* naomi and erika weren't so lucky. neither was tricia y. TJL said erika looked like a WTH...LOL. sorry didn't mean to laugh. stayed for all the performances...I liked the band and was aiight....gossipgossip
left to go with erika to go to the dentist. got out earlier than expected and wanted to have some shared a mocha ice-blend and bought some bread from 'breadtalk'...had fun mixing bread with mocha and then made our way to orchard. wandered around the levels cos we were early...looking at gaudy jewellery. to dentist and back...talked on the train and I went off. Met regina at the bus bay and now I am supposed to be studying my next chap of physics.It was a fun day, I liked today.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But it means nothing, nothing
If I ain't got you
so they have left...I feel empty now. today I kept telling people that they left...I think people were irritated...haha, actually I didn't do it that much. well, I think today turned out better than I expected...especially "bio prac".
I think 4/1 wil always remember this. How Miss Ng managed to mix up the answer sheet with the question paper I will never know. Didn't see the point in going for prac if I had all the answers, however YN wanted us to follow the flow and just do the prac. practically the whole class was just using the knife and happily cutting up the damn cucumber or just talking and the rush to the teacheres table when the banana came.
left at 2.20 with sheryl and dropped at cold storage gourmet to go and eat ice-cream at venezia. Just to see the chocolate SIT in the freezer is irresistable. I tell you those people MAKE people buy their ice-cream by just making their custmers STARE at their ice-cream sit in their freezer. bought tiramisu and belgium chocolate and sheryl bought mango alfonso and ta...(dunno how to spell it.) left her at the bus stop to go home for tutition while I walked up the hill to get to the other side to go home. came home bathed and started on physics...napped and then more physics and now I am here. Tomorrow's gonna be a half-day, honours day prac... friday here I come.
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But it means nothing, nothing
If I ain't got you
so they have left...I feel empty now. today I kept telling people that they left...I think people were irritated...haha, actually I didn't do it that much. well, I think today turned out better than I expected...especially "bio prac".
I think 4/1 wil always remember this. How Miss Ng managed to mix up the answer sheet with the question paper I will never know. Didn't see the point in going for prac if I had all the answers, however YN wanted us to follow the flow and just do the prac. practically the whole class was just using the knife and happily cutting up the damn cucumber or just talking and the rush to the teacheres table when the banana came.
left at 2.20 with sheryl and dropped at cold storage gourmet to go and eat ice-cream at venezia. Just to see the chocolate SIT in the freezer is irresistable. I tell you those people MAKE people buy their ice-cream by just making their custmers STARE at their ice-cream sit in their freezer. bought tiramisu and belgium chocolate and sheryl bought mango alfonso and ta...(dunno how to spell it.) left her at the bus stop to go home for tutition while I walked up the hill to get to the other side to go home. came home bathed and started on physics...napped and then more physics and now I am here. Tomorrow's gonna be a half-day, honours day prac... friday here I come.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
all my bags are packed
i'm ready to go
i'm standing here
outside your door
i hate to wake you up to say good bye
but the dawn is breaking
its early morn
the taxi is waiting
he's blowing his horn
already i'm so lonesome i could die
So kiss me and smile for me
tell me that you'll wait for me
hold me like you'll never let me go
'cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when i'll be back again
oh babe, i hate to go*
there's so many times I've let you down
so many times I've played around but
i tell you now they don't mean a thing
every place i go i think of you
every song i sing i sing for you
when i come back
i'll wear your wedding ring
and now the time has come to leave you
one more time
oh let me kiss you
then close your eyes
and i'll be on my way
dream about the days to come
when i won't have to leave alone
about the times when i won't have to say...
i'm leaving on a jet plane
don't know when i'll be back again
oh babe, i hate to go
i'm leaving on a jet plane
leaving on a jet plane
i'm ready to go
i'm standing here
outside your door
i hate to wake you up to say good bye
but the dawn is breaking
its early morn
the taxi is waiting
he's blowing his horn
already i'm so lonesome i could die
So kiss me and smile for me
tell me that you'll wait for me
hold me like you'll never let me go
'cause i'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when i'll be back again
oh babe, i hate to go*
there's so many times I've let you down
so many times I've played around but
i tell you now they don't mean a thing
every place i go i think of you
every song i sing i sing for you
when i come back
i'll wear your wedding ring
and now the time has come to leave you
one more time
oh let me kiss you
then close your eyes
and i'll be on my way
dream about the days to come
when i won't have to leave alone
about the times when i won't have to say...
i'm leaving on a jet plane
don't know when i'll be back again
oh babe, i hate to go
i'm leaving on a jet plane
leaving on a jet plane
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
You were right there with your hands up in the air
You had hoochies everywhere
All on you
It's like I almost didn't know you
Tryin' to shake that ass
Playa you don't even dance
Sup wit' you
It's like I don't even know you
i was rather awake today...didn't fall asleep =). that was bad. I brought my tightest belt....wore it down to the carpark looking like a damn nerd and...what did mag low say to me? *ahem* (with brit accent) you're a bit skinny...but just go sew it again okay? can I say no? sheryl managed to inch herself to the 'accepted' pile when mag low wasn't lookin', so I tagged along. hahas...yes...I feel smart and as well as guilty seeing as 1/2 of the class was down for sewing....
PC...or moe like chem...
bio...haha yvonne ng didn't come
english...nice stories by mrs alex and conversation topics... tan seemed rather annoyed by us....
chem...TYS...I took notes...*evil laughter*
met nat ho on the way to the library...talked with her a bits here...a bits(the word 'bits' sounds nice) there...erika came and went to the library to study. shireen came and lets say erika had TONS of questions for the chem TB. From the english in the what that sheryl wee person was writing in the damn laffing at the stupidity of the notes...and blahblah...the list goes on. went out to meet michelle, had a nice session with her (I sound like a went to a shrink)...they (meaning shireen and erika) moved to the canteen. from then on, it seemed to be 'insult-erika' session. I mean...I think we just couldn't help ourselves. erika if you're reading this...haha...really sorry. I still can't get over the porch thing...and the 'auntie, how you gonna get out?' after you closed the thing. shireen went off in her mum's car, while erika and I skipped down the slope...or rather only halfway seeing as I didn't wanna go home so early. so walked a bit...skipped a bit...and yes walked.
home...bathed...and will do chem and physics soon. I can't believe tomorrow's SOON...I will miss them. a lot. something is already missing and now it's gonna get worse. I will make do...yes I will. I'm feeling hungry right now...haven't had lunch...mummy's gonna kill me. and the water talk this morning, I find it inconceivable. 1.5L of water is too much.
You had hoochies everywhere
All on you
It's like I almost didn't know you
Tryin' to shake that ass
Playa you don't even dance
Sup wit' you
It's like I don't even know you
i was rather awake today...didn't fall asleep =). that was bad. I brought my tightest belt....wore it down to the carpark looking like a damn nerd and...what did mag low say to me? *ahem* (with brit accent) you're a bit skinny...but just go sew it again okay? can I say no? sheryl managed to inch herself to the 'accepted' pile when mag low wasn't lookin', so I tagged along. hahas...yes...I feel smart and as well as guilty seeing as 1/2 of the class was down for sewing....
PC...or moe like chem...
bio...haha yvonne ng didn't come
english...nice stories by mrs alex and conversation topics... tan seemed rather annoyed by us....
chem...TYS...I took notes...*evil laughter*
met nat ho on the way to the library...talked with her a bits here...a bits(the word 'bits' sounds nice) there...erika came and went to the library to study. shireen came and lets say erika had TONS of questions for the chem TB. From the english in the what that sheryl wee person was writing in the damn laffing at the stupidity of the notes...and blahblah...the list goes on. went out to meet michelle, had a nice session with her (I sound like a went to a shrink)...they (meaning shireen and erika) moved to the canteen. from then on, it seemed to be 'insult-erika' session. I mean...I think we just couldn't help ourselves. erika if you're reading this...haha...really sorry. I still can't get over the porch thing...and the 'auntie, how you gonna get out?' after you closed the thing. shireen went off in her mum's car, while erika and I skipped down the slope...or rather only halfway seeing as I didn't wanna go home so early. so walked a bit...skipped a bit...and yes walked.
home...bathed...and will do chem and physics soon. I can't believe tomorrow's SOON...I will miss them. a lot. something is already missing and now it's gonna get worse. I will make do...yes I will. I'm feeling hungry right now...haven't had lunch...mummy's gonna kill me. and the water talk this morning, I find it inconceivable. 1.5L of water is too much.
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