saturday again...
today was a good day studying...
woke up at 7.30 and then went back to sleep, woke up, lazed around...then decided to give my baby boy a call...haha...nice to hear your voice. went down to have bf...then did a lot of stuff...left the house
got on the train at clementi to meet my baby...took the train to dhoby ghaut. went to KFC to study....had lunch. Somebody tell me...WHY the bloody 2.95 meal thingie is soooooooo bloody small. Do they actually think it can FILL a person like me, for long? Plus I could just run into a wall for just thinking "wow that looks nice and big" , cos the damn think wasn't even bigger than my palm. right...enough crying...people study...
trigo is demorlising
i just can't get physics...or is it just that I can't do it?
left at 5pm...went walk walking...spotlight to buy mummy's buttons. The buttons were gaudy...disgusting and have no class, unlike my mummy. then went walk walk somemore...then took 77 home while my baby went for dinner.
reached home, bathed, watched TV, cooked and now I am here. my aunties will be here soon...and I will have to go eat dinner soon enough...I miss my baby so much.
8-11am...project 'bout we say 9am-10am...I have NO idea what to say...I's hard working with people, but then again you just got to make way for them...make do with it. met my baby and we went to eat...then had GP lect...critical thinking. Don't you think critical thinking should be spontaneous or at least prompted, NOT forced. just like creativity can't be forced, but nurtured. oh well, break, then math tute...dum di dum...chem pract...I always like chem pract...30mins tops...haha, so proud of myself. then went for council meeting at lt 3...basically all the dos and don'ts on campaigining, important dates and stuff, then took pic for the web and then left. To ben's house we went...watched the usual 2hours of TV...somehow, the wait for friday always seems worthwhile..and yet, it is sad to leave. took 970 home and then talked to my baby and then I crashed.
I feel guilty,
yes I do,
about what I said.
it didn't go through my head,
I didn't want to hurt you,
it wasn't intentional.
I hope all is forgiven.
you have given me so much I can't return
comfort, companionship, security
something I never knew anyone
in this world could ever offer me.
I hope that through all that we go through,
be it quarrels or sadness or just happiness,
we would both reach the end together.
happy and contented, in each other's company.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
today was good...
woke warm...
physics prac...nothing practical about it though. I'm talking wee just gave us all the readings and we just had to plot and calculate and write down all the stuff he put on the board.
back to class for math...trigo...fuck that. Ihat drawing graphs...always have and always will. what? you don't like that? so? sue me...I don't care.
Went down for break...met my baby...hehe....he makes me feel so happy for some reason or another...then chem lect...where the teacher called my name AGAIN. I mean HELLO!!! is it my fault that I'm the only freak who feels cold in the lt and feels the need for me to put on my very blue jacket...stop picking!!!...okay then break, or what we thought was break. stupid timetable switch. luckily frankie and I decided to go back and saw mr hoi waiting outside...then we were's GP now? I thought it was break...and obviously we were wrong. GP essay writing...I thought this one was horrendous....absolutely horrible. I was feeling crappy, the weather was crappy, stuffy and I was heating up from within and I felt DAMN tired. In other words, I wasn't in my best form.
NOW it's break....then chem tutorial...had mass spect test, somehow this one went a lot better than the moles one. maybe it was just the thought of you walking by...haha...was afraid you'd get caught my miss koh. Got the moles one back..just passed...and congratulations to how kiat for getting 17...I think he deserved it.
then went for council interview at 4.15...I thought it went pretty well, I think I answered quite well. then just hung outside the SC room with christian, sandia and 'manda. OMG, we were just busy being bimbos and himbos...haha...then my baby came and we left.
haha...the wait was worthwhile to me. ab-so-lute-ly rewarding.
guin came later and poor baby sister was and IS sick...poor thing...
mummy came to pick and then home. bathed, and now I am here. Will be going to eat dinner soon, then watch desperate housewives...and I need to do my newspaper review.
woke warm...
physics prac...nothing practical about it though. I'm talking wee just gave us all the readings and we just had to plot and calculate and write down all the stuff he put on the board.
back to class for math...trigo...fuck that. Ihat drawing graphs...always have and always will. what? you don't like that? so? sue me...I don't care.
Went down for break...met my baby...hehe....he makes me feel so happy for some reason or another...then chem lect...where the teacher called my name AGAIN. I mean HELLO!!! is it my fault that I'm the only freak who feels cold in the lt and feels the need for me to put on my very blue jacket...stop picking!!!...okay then break, or what we thought was break. stupid timetable switch. luckily frankie and I decided to go back and saw mr hoi waiting outside...then we were's GP now? I thought it was break...and obviously we were wrong. GP essay writing...I thought this one was horrendous....absolutely horrible. I was feeling crappy, the weather was crappy, stuffy and I was heating up from within and I felt DAMN tired. In other words, I wasn't in my best form.
NOW it's break....then chem tutorial...had mass spect test, somehow this one went a lot better than the moles one. maybe it was just the thought of you walking by...haha...was afraid you'd get caught my miss koh. Got the moles one back..just passed...and congratulations to how kiat for getting 17...I think he deserved it.
then went for council interview at 4.15...I thought it went pretty well, I think I answered quite well. then just hung outside the SC room with christian, sandia and 'manda. OMG, we were just busy being bimbos and himbos...haha...then my baby came and we left.
haha...the wait was worthwhile to me. ab-so-lute-ly rewarding.
guin came later and poor baby sister was and IS sick...poor thing...
mummy came to pick and then home. bathed, and now I am here. Will be going to eat dinner soon, then watch desperate housewives...and I need to do my newspaper review.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Done all my stuff, typed my essay, did all my homework..I feel so much better, so now it is MY turn to ANNOY you with this very LONG survey which I ripped off od jo's blog...enjoy...=)
1. Name: sew wei xin, genevieve
2. Birth date: 300988
3. Current Location: home
4. Eye Color: dark brown
5. Hair Color: dark brown...yes...boring I know
6. Righty or Lefty: righty
7. Zodiac Sign: dragon
8. Horoscope: libra, the scales
9. Shoes you wear today: NB shoes...although i think it should be WORE not wear...
10. 3 things u did today: church, talked to my baby, finished my GP essay...
11. Your fears: nothing much...just not performing up to MY expectations of myself
12. Your perfect pizza: hawaiian...although I'm not really picky
13. Your most overused phrase: er...maybe that would be 'WHATEVER'
14. Your thoughts first waking up: SHIT...there's school...hehe...
15. Your best physical feature: my fingers and nails...
16. Your bedtime? late...that's all I'm goign to say, cos I never seem to be able to get enough sleep
17. Your most missed memories: the years in IJTP...10 years of great life
18. Pepsi or Coke: neither...7-up or sprite is always better for me
19. McDonald's or Burger King: um...Bk...berkelium...benjamin kho...haha..okay I'll stop
20. Single or group dates: um...not sure
21. Adidas or Nike: both are fine...although I do want adidas sneakers
22. Lipton Tea or Nestea: lipton esp. the blackcurrant one, or was it blueberry...
23. Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!! is the answer
24. cappuccino or coffee: cuppucino
25. Smoke: no...I do not intend to spend money on something which I will use to kill myself slowly with
26. Take showers: is that a trick question...idiot
27. Have a crush: yes...if you haven't, you're not from this earth are you? I mean even animals have crushes...omg
28. Like(d) high school? I take that would mean sec was a wonderful 4 years
29. Get motion sickness: no
30. Think you're a health freak: yes...a lot of people would vouch for, what with how I LOVE to eat veggies, tomatoes and like to look at the fat content on food packagings and stay away from oily food
31. Get along with your parents: depends on what...I pretty much just try not to get in their way
32. Like thunderstorms: I like it...I mean, feels really nice in a way
33. Play an instrument?: yeah...there's the old recorder and the piano which I love so much
34. Drank alcohol: yes...port...bleah!!
35. Gone to the mall: um...yes...okay
36. Been on stage: yeah..I walked on it...and then off in a matter of 10 seconds
37. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: just to inform you...I DISLIKE oreos
38. Eaten sushi: yes, and I like it mind you
39. Gone skating: no...
40. Dyed your hair: no...but I wish to...if not for the fact that my mother would disown me for the act, I would have done it.
41. Been trashed or extremely toxicated? no
42. Changed who you were to fit in: maybe...but not so much
43. Age you hope to be married: that depends whether I feel the right person has come...I do not marry due to limitations
44. Children: I dislike them......
45.Describe your dream wedding: where I actually love the person I marry, a place presentable enough for me to invite people to come and WATCH me get married, I'm not complaining if it is extravagant...but that is optional
46. How do you want to die: happy....
47. What do you want to be when you grow up: gynae...or...some job where I make tonnes of 6-figure sums...I wanna own a business empire
48. Best eye color?: blue, green, grey...I like all
49. Best hair color?: nothing outrageous and punkish...
50. Short or long hair: short!
51. Height: I was hoping for 1.7m...but haha...we can't have everything can we...haha...besides it's not that important...just as long as he's not shorter than me
52. Big or small eyes? um...nothing to extreme
53. Best first date location?: somewhere I can actually concentrate on him and not on the horrible condition the place is in....
54. Articles of clothing: um....what kinda question is this!?!? clothes are clothes...just as long as they suit him
55. Number of bags I own: 3?
56. Number of CD's I own: a lot...less than 20
57. Number of piercings: none...although I wanna pierce my belly button but due to what has been said in no.40
58. Number of tattoos: as above..meaning none but due to no.40
I congratulate you on reaching the end...I didn't think you'd make
1. Name: sew wei xin, genevieve
2. Birth date: 300988
3. Current Location: home
4. Eye Color: dark brown
5. Hair Color: dark brown...yes...boring I know
6. Righty or Lefty: righty
7. Zodiac Sign: dragon
8. Horoscope: libra, the scales
9. Shoes you wear today: NB shoes...although i think it should be WORE not wear...
10. 3 things u did today: church, talked to my baby, finished my GP essay...
11. Your fears: nothing much...just not performing up to MY expectations of myself
12. Your perfect pizza: hawaiian...although I'm not really picky
13. Your most overused phrase: er...maybe that would be 'WHATEVER'
14. Your thoughts first waking up: SHIT...there's school...hehe...
15. Your best physical feature: my fingers and nails...
16. Your bedtime? late...that's all I'm goign to say, cos I never seem to be able to get enough sleep
17. Your most missed memories: the years in IJTP...10 years of great life
18. Pepsi or Coke: neither...7-up or sprite is always better for me
19. McDonald's or Burger King: um...Bk...berkelium...benjamin kho...haha..okay I'll stop
20. Single or group dates: um...not sure
21. Adidas or Nike: both are fine...although I do want adidas sneakers
22. Lipton Tea or Nestea: lipton esp. the blackcurrant one, or was it blueberry...
23. Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!! is the answer
24. cappuccino or coffee: cuppucino
25. Smoke: no...I do not intend to spend money on something which I will use to kill myself slowly with
26. Take showers: is that a trick question...idiot
27. Have a crush: yes...if you haven't, you're not from this earth are you? I mean even animals have crushes...omg
28. Like(d) high school? I take that would mean sec was a wonderful 4 years
29. Get motion sickness: no
30. Think you're a health freak: yes...a lot of people would vouch for, what with how I LOVE to eat veggies, tomatoes and like to look at the fat content on food packagings and stay away from oily food
31. Get along with your parents: depends on what...I pretty much just try not to get in their way
32. Like thunderstorms: I like it...I mean, feels really nice in a way
33. Play an instrument?: yeah...there's the old recorder and the piano which I love so much
34. Drank alcohol: yes...port...bleah!!
35. Gone to the mall: um...yes...okay
36. Been on stage: yeah..I walked on it...and then off in a matter of 10 seconds
37. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: just to inform you...I DISLIKE oreos
38. Eaten sushi: yes, and I like it mind you
39. Gone skating: no...
40. Dyed your hair: no...but I wish to...if not for the fact that my mother would disown me for the act, I would have done it.
41. Been trashed or extremely toxicated? no
42. Changed who you were to fit in: maybe...but not so much
43. Age you hope to be married: that depends whether I feel the right person has come...I do not marry due to limitations
44. Children: I dislike them......
45.Describe your dream wedding: where I actually love the person I marry, a place presentable enough for me to invite people to come and WATCH me get married, I'm not complaining if it is extravagant...but that is optional
46. How do you want to die: happy....
47. What do you want to be when you grow up: gynae...or...some job where I make tonnes of 6-figure sums...I wanna own a business empire
48. Best eye color?: blue, green, grey...I like all
49. Best hair color?: nothing outrageous and punkish...
50. Short or long hair: short!
51. Height: I was hoping for 1.7m...but haha...we can't have everything can we...haha...besides it's not that important...just as long as he's not shorter than me
52. Big or small eyes? um...nothing to extreme
53. Best first date location?: somewhere I can actually concentrate on him and not on the horrible condition the place is in....
54. Articles of clothing: um....what kinda question is this!?!? clothes are clothes...just as long as they suit him
55. Number of bags I own: 3?
56. Number of CD's I own: a lot...less than 20
57. Number of piercings: none...although I wanna pierce my belly button but due to what has been said in no.40
58. Number of tattoos: as above..meaning none but due to no.40
I congratulate you on reaching the end...I didn't think you'd make
Saturday, April 23, 2005
well, i am back....haven't blogged for like 5 days...
the phone seems a better option..haha...
anyway...the whole week passed fast...
just the school....and more school...
haiz....stressful week...homework just piling and me....poor ole me taking a damn bloody long time to clear all the the way, it STILL isn't cleared.
anyway...let's start from friday...hehe.
yea...half hour chem, lardidum...was as usual....then had break. frankie and I stayed back and had a lil' chat with miss koh...was quite fun, and I learnt that i have too much at stake to um....offend her.
after that had chinese...crossword, then unscramble the words...which I don't recognise li8ke 75% of the words in collectively...nvrm.
physics lect...I think we should sit like that more often. haha...just seems so fun. came in and sara, guoshiong and ben were sitting in a row with significant vacant seats for the 2 of us...haha, twas a fun physics lecture on forces. then to lt 3 for GP lect...2nd lect on edu...i liked the mtv. then break, forced frankie into eating some wedges.
math tuitorial...trigo...omg...I swear I will NEVER ever learn to love sketching graphs. then chem weather not good for this kind of prac...not to mention how bunsen burners do not make the heat any less. but was aiight.
went back did a lil' work and then ben came to pick me from my class...then to spend some quality time together we went.
it was...enjoyable. watched chase, joey and the OC...with some added seasoning...haha...okay, I'll shut up. came home, had dinner, did some work and then talked on the phone...and to sleep I went.
today...meaning saturday, if you didn't notice
woke up...ate bf...had some fun with my mummy, she was just hyper in the morning and when she's kinda freaky, as to why she's so hyper...I don't why and I don't want to hear any suggestions. called my baby later on, talked a bit and then went to change to go out to study. ben came to pick and then took 66 to jurong east interchange, went to the library and then studied. left for lunch, which made him feel very guilty (I was guilty too...but..yeah...) studied a bit more until we were stopped by some roaming security guard in the libary. only allowed to study on the fourth mean HELLO!! it just seems so illogical, and we can only study on ONE frikkin' level? I shall not vent here. went to the entertainment centre to study, which was unconducive bit manageable.
left at 7...took the train, 156, home, hung up clothes, bathed, washed fruits and cleared shopping and now I am here...
just some pics taken when studying...haha...

ben's gen...

gen's ben....
the phone seems a better option..haha...
anyway...the whole week passed fast...
just the school....and more school...
haiz....stressful week...homework just piling and me....poor ole me taking a damn bloody long time to clear all the the way, it STILL isn't cleared.
anyway...let's start from friday...hehe.
yea...half hour chem, lardidum...was as usual....then had break. frankie and I stayed back and had a lil' chat with miss koh...was quite fun, and I learnt that i have too much at stake to um....offend her.
after that had chinese...crossword, then unscramble the words...which I don't recognise li8ke 75% of the words in collectively...nvrm.
physics lect...I think we should sit like that more often. haha...just seems so fun. came in and sara, guoshiong and ben were sitting in a row with significant vacant seats for the 2 of us...haha, twas a fun physics lecture on forces. then to lt 3 for GP lect...2nd lect on edu...i liked the mtv. then break, forced frankie into eating some wedges.
math tuitorial...trigo...omg...I swear I will NEVER ever learn to love sketching graphs. then chem weather not good for this kind of prac...not to mention how bunsen burners do not make the heat any less. but was aiight.
went back did a lil' work and then ben came to pick me from my class...then to spend some quality time together we went.
it was...enjoyable. watched chase, joey and the OC...with some added seasoning...haha...okay, I'll shut up. came home, had dinner, did some work and then talked on the phone...and to sleep I went.
today...meaning saturday, if you didn't notice
woke up...ate bf...had some fun with my mummy, she was just hyper in the morning and when she's kinda freaky, as to why she's so hyper...I don't why and I don't want to hear any suggestions. called my baby later on, talked a bit and then went to change to go out to study. ben came to pick and then took 66 to jurong east interchange, went to the library and then studied. left for lunch, which made him feel very guilty (I was guilty too...but..yeah...) studied a bit more until we were stopped by some roaming security guard in the libary. only allowed to study on the fourth mean HELLO!! it just seems so illogical, and we can only study on ONE frikkin' level? I shall not vent here. went to the entertainment centre to study, which was unconducive bit manageable.
left at 7...took the train, 156, home, hung up clothes, bathed, washed fruits and cleared shopping and now I am here...
just some pics taken when studying...haha...

ben's gen...

gen's ben....

Sunday, April 17, 2005
Amber coloured dusk
like candy in the beautiful far off distance
Your face was not made up,
yet I've fallen wildly in love
well...I have decided to blog again...
today was as usual...
woke up to church...was quite fun...had our little gathering of people who went away...dennis, sarah and elise.
drinking tea(tea tastes good...) and filling up the sc's taking me a looong time to fill this up...I just can't put it down in words.
anyway...the week has been good. aside from the fact of being sick...aaaaaaaaand passing it to ben...I feel so guilty. =<
wednesday was just crazy...all the cross country and the chopping of places and then VS stealing it...the time spent was good...sorry to make you worry, but you need to know that I get like that...haha...
can I say I feel a liiiiiittle guilty...haha. woke up....did all my stuff and then left the house at 10+ and walked down to the bus-stop. got on 67 and to ben's house...dum di dum.
started work...did math...MI was fine...we just got stuck, then moved on to chem...energetics, I was utterly confused, kept peeping over at his work and I bet if I looked in a mirror there and then I would see a whole tonne of question marks and exclamation marks above my head. had lunch...beehoon, I cooked SCRAMBLED EGGS...although they weren't salty enough, I promise I'll make better ones next time. finished watching thursdays OC, plus a bit more time together than intended...haha. back to work did physics...and some more other homework, can't really remember what it was. then I became fascinated with the's got so many functions and lots of other stuff...yeah stuff...I want one toooo! sorry if I got a little too distracted...from you...there's just too many things in your room...too much um...stuff, haha and the aphrodisiac and underwear thing and the um...sounds were just freaky, esp the last one. went out to the living room and then watched malcolm in the middle for a while and home I went.
went to bukit panjang interchange and talked there a bit...meaningful talk, then took 970 together talked more on the bus and more time together. =) sent me home and you went home alone...sorry and then bathed, ate dinner, road to el dorado and then talked to you then to sleep.
like candy in the beautiful far off distance
Your face was not made up,
yet I've fallen wildly in love
well...I have decided to blog again...
today was as usual...
woke up to church...was quite fun...had our little gathering of people who went away...dennis, sarah and elise.
drinking tea(tea tastes good...) and filling up the sc's taking me a looong time to fill this up...I just can't put it down in words.
anyway...the week has been good. aside from the fact of being sick...aaaaaaaaand passing it to ben...I feel so guilty. =<
wednesday was just crazy...all the cross country and the chopping of places and then VS stealing it...the time spent was good...sorry to make you worry, but you need to know that I get like that...haha...
can I say I feel a liiiiiittle guilty...haha. woke up....did all my stuff and then left the house at 10+ and walked down to the bus-stop. got on 67 and to ben's house...dum di dum.
started work...did math...MI was fine...we just got stuck, then moved on to chem...energetics, I was utterly confused, kept peeping over at his work and I bet if I looked in a mirror there and then I would see a whole tonne of question marks and exclamation marks above my head. had lunch...beehoon, I cooked SCRAMBLED EGGS...although they weren't salty enough, I promise I'll make better ones next time. finished watching thursdays OC, plus a bit more time together than intended...haha. back to work did physics...and some more other homework, can't really remember what it was. then I became fascinated with the's got so many functions and lots of other stuff...yeah stuff...I want one toooo! sorry if I got a little too distracted...from you...there's just too many things in your room...too much um...stuff, haha and the aphrodisiac and underwear thing and the um...sounds were just freaky, esp the last one. went out to the living room and then watched malcolm in the middle for a while and home I went.
went to bukit panjang interchange and talked there a bit...meaningful talk, then took 970 together talked more on the bus and more time together. =) sent me home and you went home alone...sorry and then bathed, ate dinner, road to el dorado and then talked to you then to sleep.
Friday, April 15, 2005
today was meaningful...
as usual school...and then lessons.
relatively short day, was waiting and anticipating for it to just had to, I couldn't take it. it was killing me...aaaaaaaaaaah!
anyway, started off with chem tutorial...I was so tired, didn't even write down any of the stuff that she said...wth.
break, then physics lecture, I swear I was about to scream my lungs out...but ben made it all the
physics is so going wrong, I'm just copying alll the yellowy typed omg...I'm just copying..I CAN'T work like this.
GP's damn cold larh...and yes vocab. everything was going fine unitl the bloody bastard called. I mean who in their fucking mind would call me in school...I give my friends the benefit of the doubt, that they are smart enough not to CALL but's just damn lucky the teacher didn't confiscate my phone, if not I would have been damn pissed off at this person.
break and then maths. I figured out the implicit differentiation...I am such a genius...and that doesn't take a genius to know it. chem prac...finished it in an hour...I feel so proud of myself man...haha. helped some other people out in calculations and washed the apparatus for them. had a nice talk with chen yang...he's okay. back to class and then to IJ with ben.
was nice going back....saw so many people I missed...haha. hung around for awhile and I felt bad, I mean felt kinda out of place and I was just running around.....yeah. I feel bad. to coronation to take photo and then to wath chase. that time was just wonderful...I loved spoils me so....haha.
went home at 7.30 came home and had dinner...watched arts central about making pizza....yum yum and now I am here.
I wanted to make today special
and I hope I managed to do so.
you gave me so much
to make me feel special
and I love the way you make feel....
I'll say it one more time
happy birthday.
as usual school...and then lessons.
relatively short day, was waiting and anticipating for it to just had to, I couldn't take it. it was killing me...aaaaaaaaaaah!
anyway, started off with chem tutorial...I was so tired, didn't even write down any of the stuff that she said...wth.
break, then physics lecture, I swear I was about to scream my lungs out...but ben made it all the
physics is so going wrong, I'm just copying alll the yellowy typed omg...I'm just copying..I CAN'T work like this.
GP's damn cold larh...and yes vocab. everything was going fine unitl the bloody bastard called. I mean who in their fucking mind would call me in school...I give my friends the benefit of the doubt, that they are smart enough not to CALL but's just damn lucky the teacher didn't confiscate my phone, if not I would have been damn pissed off at this person.
break and then maths. I figured out the implicit differentiation...I am such a genius...and that doesn't take a genius to know it. chem prac...finished it in an hour...I feel so proud of myself man...haha. helped some other people out in calculations and washed the apparatus for them. had a nice talk with chen yang...he's okay. back to class and then to IJ with ben.
was nice going back....saw so many people I missed...haha. hung around for awhile and I felt bad, I mean felt kinda out of place and I was just running around.....yeah. I feel bad. to coronation to take photo and then to wath chase. that time was just wonderful...I loved spoils me so....haha.
went home at 7.30 came home and had dinner...watched arts central about making pizza....yum yum and now I am here.
I wanted to make today special
and I hope I managed to do so.
you gave me so much
to make me feel special
and I love the way you make feel....
I'll say it one more time
happy birthday.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
I hope you don't mind,I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world!
and I mean every word...
I am sick...or at least not feeling well...
last night, fell into a nice worriless sleep after talking to you...haha.
woke up, got my ass to church...was a good time, sunday class was good for at least once..I mean not boring. Dennis came back from down under and sarah from city harvest (at least I think she's still there...), elise from eh...actually don't know and pao from under a rock? it was full of noisy catch-ups in the cry room, AND fun bible reading...haha, if only it could be like this all the time.
then went to TC for lunch...had my mee hoon kueh and then we talked more about plotting to steal one of the pink smiley cows across from my house, which I suppose are for the mooooove ad...was quite funny. imagine a flat, pink, wooden cow smiling "walking" across the road in the dead of the papa's office...guin lingered for awhile to go for tuition. papa sent guin to tuition and then you came =)...somehow it feels so good to have someone who cares so much and shows it =) Had such a good time, although we didn't do much actually...haha...had to trouble you to bring sooo many things. lemme see...a yellow highlighter, 3 packets of tissue, 2 tablets of panadol and a bottle of water...I know you care.
stayed there, read education notes, papa bought desert for me, fell asleep again. woke up feeling bad...didn't wanna open my eyes, so bright. went home at 4.30 and then bathed, ironed, had dinner, did work and now I am here.
I didn't mean to be angry at you, it's just that you know very well how I feel about you spending money on me. that was just the main issue...I hope you understand...but I appreciate it VERY much
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world!
and I mean every word...
I am sick...or at least not feeling well...
last night, fell into a nice worriless sleep after talking to you...haha.
woke up, got my ass to church...was a good time, sunday class was good for at least once..I mean not boring. Dennis came back from down under and sarah from city harvest (at least I think she's still there...), elise from eh...actually don't know and pao from under a rock? it was full of noisy catch-ups in the cry room, AND fun bible reading...haha, if only it could be like this all the time.
then went to TC for lunch...had my mee hoon kueh and then we talked more about plotting to steal one of the pink smiley cows across from my house, which I suppose are for the mooooove ad...was quite funny. imagine a flat, pink, wooden cow smiling "walking" across the road in the dead of the papa's office...guin lingered for awhile to go for tuition. papa sent guin to tuition and then you came =)...somehow it feels so good to have someone who cares so much and shows it =) Had such a good time, although we didn't do much actually...haha...had to trouble you to bring sooo many things. lemme see...a yellow highlighter, 3 packets of tissue, 2 tablets of panadol and a bottle of water...I know you care.
stayed there, read education notes, papa bought desert for me, fell asleep again. woke up feeling bad...didn't wanna open my eyes, so bright. went home at 4.30 and then bathed, ironed, had dinner, did work and now I am here.
I didn't mean to be angry at you, it's just that you know very well how I feel about you spending money on me. that was just the main issue...I hope you understand...but I appreciate it VERY much
Saturday, April 09, 2005
it is saturday...a beautiful saturday...
although it started of with much turmoil and the changing of tonnes of plans...but everything settled itself. thanks to you...=)
washed my spaghetti smelling tie (ACK!) and then cooked noodles for my sis and then she made me eat her leftovers.
anyway, walked down to the bus-stop, ben's parents picked me up and to TP library we went. had lunch first...can I say the second the plate of chicken rice appeared on the table I was freaked out...majorly!!! the chicken pieces were glistening in the sun...did you get that GLISTENING!!! and the rice was so tasty...well actually not tasty, but yeah, you can taste the oil in it...or at least I could, somehow. but like a good person I swallowed for some chicken skin...BLEAH!!...ACK!!
right study...I have never enjoyed studying with someone so much before.'s like one get 2 free...yes, bad analogy, but I am tired and I couldn't think of anything else. you're just so many things...=) studied...then break...haha..can you unscramble an egg...that was funny. borrowed my book and decided to find a place to eat something light.
ended up wt the food court in the interchange...ate pi dan zhou =), yeah light, riiiiight gen....then walked the long walk to the ulu-ated bus-stop and got on 156...bus rides have gotten more enjoyable now with you....haha...=)
came home, bathed and now I am here...supposed to be going for dinner, buuuuuuut I'm too damn full now...haiyoh.
I think I'm coming down with something, more like 'I am' not 'I think'. my eyes feel very warm, I feel tired and I don't feel too good. not good, not good. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, just that it's sooner oh well...
mumy will kill me if I fall sick...NO!??!
you made me feel so happy today, although friday was better =)
although it started of with much turmoil and the changing of tonnes of plans...but everything settled itself. thanks to you...=)
washed my spaghetti smelling tie (ACK!) and then cooked noodles for my sis and then she made me eat her leftovers.
anyway, walked down to the bus-stop, ben's parents picked me up and to TP library we went. had lunch first...can I say the second the plate of chicken rice appeared on the table I was freaked out...majorly!!! the chicken pieces were glistening in the sun...did you get that GLISTENING!!! and the rice was so tasty...well actually not tasty, but yeah, you can taste the oil in it...or at least I could, somehow. but like a good person I swallowed for some chicken skin...BLEAH!!...ACK!!
right study...I have never enjoyed studying with someone so much before.'s like one get 2 free...yes, bad analogy, but I am tired and I couldn't think of anything else. you're just so many things...=) studied...then break...haha..can you unscramble an egg...that was funny. borrowed my book and decided to find a place to eat something light.
ended up wt the food court in the interchange...ate pi dan zhou =), yeah light, riiiiight gen....then walked the long walk to the ulu-ated bus-stop and got on 156...bus rides have gotten more enjoyable now with you....haha...=)
came home, bathed and now I am here...supposed to be going for dinner, buuuuuuut I'm too damn full now...haiyoh.
I think I'm coming down with something, more like 'I am' not 'I think'. my eyes feel very warm, I feel tired and I don't feel too good. not good, not good. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, just that it's sooner oh well...
mumy will kill me if I fall sick...NO!??!
you made me feel so happy today, although friday was better =)
Sunday, April 03, 2005
internet is laggy today..
doing the retarded GP assignmen...
actually I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with it, just assuming I'm supposed to find the meaning of the words.
doing it in pencil...
today, I was really free....
so I did what not even a moron would think of doing, wait that doesn't make sense with what I'm going to say...okay...I did what no one with anything else better to do(which is why I did it...) would do...a whole lot of homework.
it's really a lot, I mean a lot more than I imagined that I'll ever's just that once I got started I couldn't stop...
I won't give you the details...just, yeah.
anyway, woke up, church and then had pork porridge for lunch. to turf city I went to papa's office. There I went on my crazy phase...which I told you about ^above there. Came home, bathed and ironed clothes. then watched miss congeniality for a while then went for dinner. BAK KUT TEH!!!! well w/o the pork....or rather tiny bits of it, when it's suppposed to dominate the dish. so it was actually just beancurd and the soup, which was ab-so-lutel-ly heavenly for me...and guess what?? ummy saved a whole lot more for a few days more =)=)=). had ice-cream, watched ore TV and now I am here.
aaaaaaaand tomorrow there's school
aaaaaaaaand I wanna eat my sushi, *whines* where is my sister?!??!?!
you see I can't eat the sushi until she gets her ass home...argh!!!!
doing the retarded GP assignmen...
actually I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with it, just assuming I'm supposed to find the meaning of the words.
doing it in pencil...
today, I was really free....
so I did what not even a moron would think of doing, wait that doesn't make sense with what I'm going to say...okay...I did what no one with anything else better to do(which is why I did it...) would do...a whole lot of homework.
it's really a lot, I mean a lot more than I imagined that I'll ever's just that once I got started I couldn't stop...
I won't give you the details...just, yeah.
anyway, woke up, church and then had pork porridge for lunch. to turf city I went to papa's office. There I went on my crazy phase...which I told you about ^above there. Came home, bathed and ironed clothes. then watched miss congeniality for a while then went for dinner. BAK KUT TEH!!!! well w/o the pork....or rather tiny bits of it, when it's suppposed to dominate the dish. so it was actually just beancurd and the soup, which was ab-so-lutel-ly heavenly for me...and guess what?? ummy saved a whole lot more for a few days more =)=)=). had ice-cream, watched ore TV and now I am here.
aaaaaaaand tomorrow there's school
aaaaaaaaand I wanna eat my sushi, *whines* where is my sister?!??!?!
you see I can't eat the sushi until she gets her ass home...argh!!!!
Friday, April 01, 2005
friday...last day of the week...
in the morning had welcoming long...1 hour+ I think, I mean it's not that it was should I put this. the service was as long as I expected it to be, but my legs were going so numb. i mean given that I'm in a bloody skirt..I shouldn't lift my legs up even if I were wearing shorts underneath...very unglam.
got badges and 9.30 lessons start.
C math first...miss ang, man I so want mrs koh back, oh well, we'll see how she is. then chem lect...was boring, okay mean to say that since some people didn't do chem for 1st 3 months....but I expected it to be.
break...haha...was looking for ben, and yes when i saw him, he SOMEHOW managed to miss me despite his gaze having passed me....haiz...but I was happy seeing him. I still can't help it...he's my brother...HAHA!!! (inside joke...)
so then came GP, nothing too exciting...yeah, mr derrick hoi. He was all, I want this from you, I want that from you. then wee -_-... there wa a lot of tension...I mean yeah, just look at the people in my class, you'll get the idea.
went to get the math notes...I dunno, but it seems the girls are all doing the work. they just like to sit in class and talk talk talk. so unlike T23...the guys there were more gentlemanly, I mean they won't let the girls do all the work like carry books and stuff, so different from T29 *shakes head*
then chem pract...did a lil' titration revision...then went to mr tan's office to wait for my appeal results.
apparently I have been disappointed once again, this being the end of the line...maybe I'm only meant to do 3...oh well.
met ben and went to the library to do chem...somehow I feel like I'm losing it, I can't seem to see things like I used to anymore, my mind seems to have slowed down A LOT...why?!?!
156 home and then bathed, TV, the phone =)...cooked dinner and then ate and now i am here.
I don't know what to say...
I'm out of words...
but I think I have some left =)
nothing too mushy,
nothing too serious,
I'll type it here
and it's the truth
you make me feel...
in the morning had welcoming long...1 hour+ I think, I mean it's not that it was should I put this. the service was as long as I expected it to be, but my legs were going so numb. i mean given that I'm in a bloody skirt..I shouldn't lift my legs up even if I were wearing shorts underneath...very unglam.
got badges and 9.30 lessons start.
C math first...miss ang, man I so want mrs koh back, oh well, we'll see how she is. then chem lect...was boring, okay mean to say that since some people didn't do chem for 1st 3 months....but I expected it to be.
break...haha...was looking for ben, and yes when i saw him, he SOMEHOW managed to miss me despite his gaze having passed me....haiz...but I was happy seeing him. I still can't help it...he's my brother...HAHA!!! (inside joke...)
so then came GP, nothing too exciting...yeah, mr derrick hoi. He was all, I want this from you, I want that from you. then wee -_-... there wa a lot of tension...I mean yeah, just look at the people in my class, you'll get the idea.
went to get the math notes...I dunno, but it seems the girls are all doing the work. they just like to sit in class and talk talk talk. so unlike T23...the guys there were more gentlemanly, I mean they won't let the girls do all the work like carry books and stuff, so different from T29 *shakes head*
then chem pract...did a lil' titration revision...then went to mr tan's office to wait for my appeal results.
apparently I have been disappointed once again, this being the end of the line...maybe I'm only meant to do 3...oh well.
met ben and went to the library to do chem...somehow I feel like I'm losing it, I can't seem to see things like I used to anymore, my mind seems to have slowed down A LOT...why?!?!
156 home and then bathed, TV, the phone =)...cooked dinner and then ate and now i am here.
I don't know what to say...
I'm out of words...
but I think I have some left =)
nothing too mushy,
nothing too serious,
I'll type it here
and it's the truth
you make me feel...
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