Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm not in the best of moods right I'm here to vent lest I offend someone in this damn house.

Like think no one here has a bloody life is it? Like you just want people to switch their plans just because of you...then FUCK YOU!! Who the hell do you think you are man?!?! You record your business appointments like nobody's business and you don't even give a fuck about anything else. Always bloody complaining that we don't tell you early enough, we don't even remind you...well how 'bout I give you a suggestion....write it down in that HUGE damn book you seem to call a planner only when it comes to making business appointments.

Yes people are guests...but normal humans would you know, at least tell people that their coming down in WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! As of now... I really feel like just doing my own things, like you don't even care about anyone else but your damn self. Like why the hell should I give a damn about you when you don't even give a shit about me...

Oh...and could you just make up your bloody minute you wanna come, the next you don' wth...just say you don't wanna come already...spare me the suspense will you. You don't seem to get the situation do you? After SO bloody just don't get what she's like...asking me to do this and that, as if I didn't think of that. If she bloody says no...then I can't really do anything. I wanna see you, you wanna see me (I assume so....) at least help me out a little here...if not...then just bloody hell get lost

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today was a good day out...rather productive if you ask me...haha...

Baby came over in the afternoon and we did some re-scaping of the tank =) and put up our black oyama paper (It's some sticky paper that you put on the back of the tank to make it look nicer on the inside...) now the neon tetras look really good against the black background.

After hanging around, ate lunch and then decided to head to queensway to buy me some shoes, cos the sole of my current shoe is about to come off anytime soon =) I saw this really nice pair of low dunks at AMK last night and thought I might be able to find the same design. We went to so many shops and they all only had the such small sizes cos it was nike we went traipsing from store to store looking at other shoes and I kept seeing THAT shoe but they only had in the size 3, 5.5...just not mine...then came this store and I happened to see it on display in a larger I asked if they had my size...and they started to calling the warehouse and stuff...and omg...the man appeared with the box =) haha...I was damn happy...

On a random note...I would kill to dance like the girl on the right...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

If wars break down, I will come for you
If angels cry oh I’ll be there for you
You saved my soul
Don’t leave me now
Don’t leave me now

-Rule the world by Take That (from stardust) exams are over...

actually they were over on Thursday...but I kind of didn't have time to come blog about it. Anyway, yesterday morning went to the Airport to send Chuang Yang and Michelle off to NY...was quite sad...I'll miss her so much when she's gone.

After that baby and I went for a buffet lunch at Orchard Hotel Galleria...the food was pretty good...I esp loved the clam chowder and the cheese with crackers. The cheese was like extremely heavenly and stuff. Didn't really have space for ice-cream though. We left and decided to head home to do come stuff for our fish tank...I really think the tank is looking pretty good...haha...what with all the plants and stuff all around. We have like 44 fish in the tank currently; 8 super hyper zebra danios, 10 cherry barbs, 18 neon tetras, 4 SAEs (Siamese Algae Eaters), 2 bronze corydoras (corydoras aeneus) and 2 peppered corydoras. The last Panda corydoras died the night before. I actually had 4 of them...but 3 of them like disappeared...I have no idea where they went...they didn't jump out and I highly doubt any of them gotten eaten by any of the other fish.

I feel like a gold fish tank now...

Just a little smthg other than stuff that I did during the day, I tool some colourgenetics quiz on gerri's blog, similar to the one I took last time...I think 1 or 2 yrs's somewhere in the can go try it out if i you wish, it's pretty accurate =)

Much of the time you are preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting nature. You need stimulation and variation with all matters pertaining to your life. You want to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality being able to charm and influence others. You use powerful strategies with predictable outcomes so as to avoid endangering your chances of success or undermining other people's confidence in you.

You are lazy - you dream of a peaceful, calm, uncluttered and uncomplicated life. Your ideal would be to share a permanent base with some person or persons who would be able to demonstrate on-going love, peace and security.

At times one is burdened with more than one's fair share of problems and this would appear to be your situation at present. But you are adamant - you know what you wish to achieve - and by giving a little and taking a little you may well find that the realization of your dreams could become a reality.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.