Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Well now...I seem to be having many problems with the admin crap...
First I didn't get LSM1202 (General Physiology) which is essential for some modules if I decide switch my life science specialisation to biology...hence IMPORTANT!! They didn't seem to think so...probably a blessing in disguise what with the terrible combination of core modules I have and gen physio being hard to score. I shall do it on SEP (student exchange programme)...muahaha.

So now I ballot for tutorials...like wth...I ballot at like a bit after 9 (maybe 10mins) and then the result I got back is...class has no space. Probably because I have a lot of tutorials to ballot for and I ranked it as fourth cos my bahasa tutorials had to be ranked too, so I didn't get it. TODAY I go in at 10...and I find that there are only 3 slots left and out of the 2 I only can do 1, cos I'm having lecture during the other 2. The result being...NO SPACE!!! Like wth... -_-..... now I have to go see gan about the tutorial...but with luck I'll get my 1-2 slot heehee...

Anyways...while viewing the gummy bear song, which baby introduced to me...(bet you didn't know there was one...well there's an ALBUM actually o.O) I came across something else which was extremely funny. They are a series of clips from a segment of The Muppets. The puppet (i think he's puppet...after all it's the muppets) supposedly speaks in swedish cos he's the Swedish chef, but there are snippets of english so you do know what's going on most of the time.

This was the one I found the most funny... but you can go browse around and view the rest

Before I forget, the gummy bear song...haha...it's rather creepy

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Special sem's over and school's gonna start next week...
I have never had such a big problem with bidding in my life =( I should have put more "money" down argh!! now I am panicking and scrambling for a bloody mod to do *rolls eyes*
I seem to be rather animated in my post today. Probably it's because I've nothing to do. I just ironed all the clothes and washed my hamster cage.

Went to town to service my phone AGAIN!! This phone seems to be giving me so many bloody problems. It's the 4th time i'm going back with distortion sounds and a faulty on/off button. For me, 4 times is way too many for a phone that's barely even a year old. I got there at 3.40pm and then was told that I had to wait 1 hour for my turn. I was like O.O, so I went to walk around...went to charles and keith and nine west to look at shoes I can't afford and then to mango to check out the sale...which being me, am too stingy to spend on and I headed back at 4.20pm. I waited to be served until 5 which I tried my best to be anal about my phone which constantly seems to be having problems the conclusion being that they'll try to repair the button _-_..... rightss....

So I rushed back to school to meet baby's mum, in process which I almost got hit by a car and I'm serious. I checked both ways on the street and when I was about to cross, this van came out from behind me and almost hit me. I was like WTF O.O luckily i backed away fast enough. I was extremely freaked. I stood there and made a sign of apology cos I probably scared him quite bad too and walked over to the four seasons bus stop. O.O

Bussed back to school and got there about 6 passed the stuff to baby's mum and went for dance rehearsal. AS7 was like a sauna, there was absolutely no air-conditioning where we were although it looked like it did. Learnt a few more combis and completed the 3rd song. Headed home and we now have a new PC >.< yay!!!

So, now I shall continue to wait for registered mail to arrive.

In the mean time...The Next Wave'08 19 & 20th Septemer BUY TICKETS FROM ME!!! 20% off prices are

CAT 1 - $20.00 ($16.20)
CAT 2 - $17.00($13.80)
CAT 3 - $13.00($10.60)