We all don't really know what we want do we?
When we're busy we wish we didn't have anything or less to do and when we don't have anything to do...we wish we had things to occupy our lives with. How can so few things take up so much time? So few the number doesn't go pass counting with one hand. (1) UROPs (2) Dance (3)QT. It's so simple...yet one I think about 24/7 the other the weekends the last hardly has space at all...
I don't have to right to complain, given that I chose it...but is there something I'm not doing right? It just doesn't feel right. Everything is just so spur of the moment. I slot it in the schedule then I cancel it because something comes up...things like just purely drive me crazy. Resulting in any social activities being put on hold until the last moment which I can only confirm it.
I hate this way of doing things, but it seems like it can't be helped for some reason. It's like an allergy or something I have towards, unrest, chaos, disorganistion and anything else related in my life. I can't even stand quarreling in my own family, I just switch off and become extremely irritable. Just reading what I wrote seems like a recipe for disaster cos life is supposedly full of all this kind of crap and so I'm not supposed to complain but just take it all in.