I now know the feeling of fearing for your life.
I do not recall anything that has made me doubt myself, my capabilities and intellect this much. I stepped in the room with nervousness, but still having some remnant hope that I could still handle things based on my knowledge and experience.
When the exam started, things already felt different. I short-listed two possible questions that I could do. You would think that this is good, because the last time I only had one. The difference this time was that I was only half confident of writing up both questions unlike the last time where I was fairly comfortable doing that one question. I took time to fully consider the question and even took time to write some pointers on the requirements for the question.
After all of that, I proceeded to do question 13 on establishing MPAs since I was not comfortable writing about socio-economics in the other question, which was a major component. I started writing the introduction to ease myself into things, constantly referring to the question so that I would not stray and write up all the things spelt out in the question. Some parts really were not easy, especially since I could not recall a lot of common terms such as 'multi-variate analysis' and I also could not recall what an LIT entails. I just could not recall whether it only involved ID-ing or coral cover or both. So I scratched the idea and just put transects. The question also stated to choose three 'somethings' to from a list of variables that we were supposed to list down from biological, ecological, genetic and environmental categories mentioned in the question that would be important in considering potential candidate sites. I had questioned myself on whether the three were from the variables I had to list or were they the three categories from the four categories mentioned in the question. I remember that that based on the 'something' that was used in the question I deduced that it would be choosing three variables from what I had to list, since that was the last mentioned subject. Now I am not so sure since I cannot recall the exact wording. If I was wrong, I would have misread the question and everything would not be valid, and probably considered to not have met the criteria of the question. Lastly, I was supposed to come up with a way to assess the 'best sites'. I thought I could use an index to do this, then when I got to writing it I realised I did not have a very clear idea of how I would score this thing. So that might also bring me down since I felt that my writing was so muddling and I might just piss the examiner off but the confusion. But, what else to do, I had not other ideas on hand. I managed to squeeze in a small paragraph on significance which score me some points...or not since it was just two short paragraphs totalling to half a page.
Perhaps I was dumb to talk about it. I've never done coral surveys, nor have I read much on criteria on choosing MPA sites. What I know is based on simple surveys and I am not even sure they are suitable for fulfilling this objective. Talking about it, just brought up things that I had not written about. Knowing that the question was set to help me pass, was just burdensome. It has brought confidence a new low and now I doubt my capabilities even more. People always say when you're at the bottom the only way is up, but I am constantly finding new lows to hit.
I'm here pouring out my grievances, as usual. Because, no one knows the depth of fear I am feeling now. Passing remarks of 'you'll be ok', 'you'll pass' and 'what's done is done, you can't do anything about it' just doesn't help. Strange thing is, the people close to me and who are acquaintances just tell me the same things. I'm not comfortable pouring out all the details of my worries to people I'm not close with so I just briefly mention some things to make it seem that I am ok. But with people I am close with, I don't even get a chance to get there. Those same remarks just get repeated again and again. So where do I go from here? Maybe this is something that I'm supposed to handle on my own since I can't find a person to unload my worries to. How I handle this would probably determine if I survive well through all this or if I end up crashing and burning.
Things is, my track record of handling these things has never been great.