Saturday, August 15, 2009

How does something that is supposedly so beautiful turn so sour?
Is it possible for someone to be that comfortable that no matter how hard reality smacks you in the face you just refuse to answer? Why would you not want to answer it if it concerns your livelihood?

Is there a plan in all of this? We are not meant to comprehend your ways, but is this not a little too much? It may seem like I am rushing you and I don't mean to, but it's all falling apart right now. A part of me just feels that this is not the way to go, but the more I think about it the other half of me just seems to be to singing a louder song. I want to cry, but I guess crying does not solve anything anyway.

What else is there to do? What else do I need to do?

Honestly, I tried so hard to keep it together, so hard that I've given up cos you both are just so unresponsive. Sometimes I find the things you both argue over just plain absurd. The things you pick on are so mundane that I find that you just make your own life so miserable paying attention to it all. One just absorbs all the negativity, while the other just dishes it all out; then again I suppose the one who absorbs has no right to complain about anything. I get shuffled here and there, tell him this, tell her that, why the hell don't you both just do it yourself since my input is just useless to you both anyways. As long as there are feuding parties, the messenger always gets shot at, which is why I'm so sick of helping. I cannot as so much be bothered now.

I just have something to get off my chest, bear with me if you have read up to here. If you have no idea who or what I am talking about I suppose that's pretty much what I want, I just want to get it all out somewhere.

It worries you how it affects her? What about me? I personally feel that I've been overlooked so much, so many times. Call it an inferiority complex if you will. You think all this crap that has been happening has been affecting her so much, what about me? I was the one who talked, I was the one trying to get the both of you to sort it out, I was the one who tried to mediate, I was the FUCKING MESSENGER!! But no, "can't you see, she wants to keep us together", I just wanted to stand up and walk out. WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING THEN!! Well, I suppose she was SERIOUSLY affected they just did not show it. Do I have to commit some suicidal act in order for you to notice?? Or maybe appear super dysfunctional?

You just take me for granted.